Etxarri Aranatz is in the area where Euskera is official. However, the representatives of the Ikastola Andra Mari at the opening ceremony took into account the whole of Navarre and claimed that the Basque Country should be official throughout the area. They have used the example of efforts to formalise the Basque country in the European Union to explain the situation in Navarra: “All citizens of our country must be guaranteed all the linguistic rights and, of course, the right to study in Basque, over and above the limitations and zoning, both in Lerín, Lezkairu and Etxarri. If the Basques deserve Euskera to be official in Europe… how not in all of Navarre!”
Besides claiming the official status, they stress the role of the ikastolas in Navarra: “The ikastolas are spread throughout the territory of Navarra and we will maintain our commitment, overcoming the red lines: we will guarantee this right to all citizens who want to grow and educate in Basque.”
The Second Vice-President of the Government of Navarra, Ana Ollo, has also stated her official status. He considers that the claim is spreading with particular force, but he does not have a sufficient majority in the Parliament of Navarra.
Various agents and entities from the Basque country have participated in the opening ceremony. As for the political representatives, members of the Government of Navarra and parliamentary groups such as those of EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and Iñaki Iriarte of UPN have approached.
The organization has shown satisfaction at the end of the day. The press release notes the achievement of the objectives of the day and thanks all those who have participated in Nafarroa Oinez in one way or another.
Lizarra Ikastolaren laugarren Nafarroa Oinez izanen da aurtengoa. Erabat berezia, egoerak hala aginduta, baina bereziki alaia pandemia osteko lehena delako larunbat eta igandean eginen den festa. Lizarra Ikastolara joan gara irratsaio berezia egitera eta handik pasatzeko... [+]
Atzo bete ziren 25 urte Guardia Zibilaren 30 patruila Berako Labiaga ikastolak antolatutako Nafarroa Oinezen ibilbidean sartu eta jendearen kontra oldartu zirela. Espainiako Gobernuarentzat «neurriko» jokabidea izan zuten; herriko bizilagun eta eragile gehienentzat,... [+]
Iñigo Aritza ikastolak hartu du aurten Lesakako Tantirumairu ikastolak emandako lekukoa. Antolatzaileek eguna “zoragarria” izan dela esan dute “Nafarroa Oinez BIZItzeko”.
Igandean Altsasun izanen da Nafarroa Oinez festa handia. Lau kilometro eta erdiko ibilbidea eta lau gune izanen dira igandeko jai handi horretan: Bizi, Kanta, Txio eta Dantza.
3,5 kilometro luze eta lau gune dituen ibilbidea prestatu dute eta hainbat ekialdi izanen dituzte igandean.
Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkartearekin eta aurtengo Nafarroa Oinez antolatu duen Tantirumairu ikastolarekin batera, 2015ean suten batek kiskalitako herri lurrak basoberrituko dituzte.