The Euskera Group of the UPV/EHU of Vitoria-Gasteiz met this Wednesday against the risk. The plan has been regarded as an ‘attack’ on the Basque Country and, among other things, has advanced that it entails the risk of cancelling the need for Basque studies.
Following concerns about the decision, and in response to the question raised by EH Bildu, the University Ministry has advanced that it will seek an ‘appropriate solution’.
Ikasle Abertzaleak taldeak grebarako deia egin du martxoaren 20rako. Negozioen eta inposizioen hezkuntza borrokatu goiburuarekin manifestazioa ere eginen dute 12:00etan Iruñeko Foruen Plazatik aterata. Unibertsitatera sartu aurretik eta goi mailako ikasketak egiterako... [+]