Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Basque Confederation is angry at the general assembly of EEP for not spending more money on policies for the Basque Country

  • The Basque Public Entity (EEP) held a general assembly on Monday to vote on the 2024 budget. Alain Iriart, representative of the Basque College, was the only one who voted against.
Euskal Konferentziako kideak EEPren biltzar nagusian. / Argazkia: Ekhi Erremundegi

09 April 2024 - 09:57
Last updated: 12:39
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The PSE institutional representatives vote on the 2024 budgets. But the members of the Basque Confederation have expressed their discomfort because the budget has not changed since 2017: they have denounced that no more money has been allocated to policies for the Basque country.

The deadline for applications is one month and the EEP has not responded. Members of the Basque Confederation join the EEP general assembly on Monday at 14:30 to express their anger and anger.

“The roadmap presented to us by the PSE in September was not ambitious for the 2050 horizon. But elected officials also planned to increase 50 per cent of the budget to reach that modest target. What they are proposing today is 0%!” the members of the Basque Confederation have denounced in the document read.

They point out that the structures that make Euskera live daily are condemned to greater precariousness (worsening the working conditions of the workers, not being able to start new projects...), jeopardizing some.

Furthermore, the document of the Basque Confederation calls for “EUR 750,000 to be allocated to the Cooperation Fund which have not been awarded the surpluses of previous years to ensure the progress of last year and to ensure the increase in terms of inflation to agents who have not suffered an increase since 2017, as well as to ensure the basic financing of the new projects that have been created”.

The tests were Euskaraz, AEK, workers from Seaska, Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, Euskal Haziak and Hedabideak in the room to support the Basque Confederation.


Most have decided not to allocate more money to language policy for the Basque country. Maider Behotegi, president of EEP, and Antton Kurutxarri, vice-president of linguistic policy at the Basque College of Iparralde, voted in favour. Furthermore, the representative of the Basque College Alain Iriarte was the only one who voted against and there was one abstention.

The representative of the Basque College, Alain Iriarte, said that more interviews were needed between its members. “Seeing the situation of the Basque Country and the lack of power of certain Basque truths, for my part I said that these monetary powers had to be doubled,” he argued.



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