The good weather has accompanied the multitude that has approached to Lake Senpere. Thanks to the work of 2,500 volunteers, they have been able to enjoy music, meals, drinks, theatre or children's activities, among other things. The money raised shall be used for aid from the Manex Erdozaintzi Etxart College in Larzabal and the Bernart Etxepare Lyceum in Baiona.
On the same day, it has been reported that Paxkal Indo will leave the presidency of SEASKA, following the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office. Indo was born in San Juan de Luz in 1968. Student of SEASKA, took office as President of the Federation of Ikastolas of Iparralde in 2008. He is a sound technician and musician, who has worked in various musical groups in the Labortana locality. ARGIA held a long interview in March.
In particular, Indo spoke at 10 a.m. at the opening ceremony of Herri Urrats 2010. The president looks at the recent past: "When I started there were 2,100 students, currently 4,200. They've been victories, but we've done that collectively. The Basques know what that is, it's our strength."
Indo has also looked at the present and the future. Remember that the question of teachers is open: SEASKA has requested 30 new teachers from the Department of Education of France and the Public Office of the Basque Country, as the number of students continues to increase year after year. At the moment, they have only been promised five. He also criticised the Macron Government, "the worst government of all time" and that it is "against the model of immersion". Indo has pointed out that they will continue to fight until they have been asked: "We've been fighting in Seaska for 50 years and we're going to keep fighting until we get it," said EH President Bildu.
SEASKA has called for mobilizations to raise awareness of the goal of achieving more teachers in Education. They will be held on 17 May in the major cities of Iparralde. A model of immersion not unki.
Elgarrekin izena du Duplak egin duen aurtengo abestiak eta Senpereko lakuan grabatu zuten bideoklipa. Dantzari, guraso zein umeen artean azaldu ziren Pantxoa eta Peio ere. Bideoklipa laugarrengo saiakeran egin zen.