‘During the Euskaraldia period the performances of the participants have been shaken’, according to one of the main conclusions of the work. In fact, during these 11 days, the use increased considerably, reaching 20.1% of the total. The use of Euskera was 66.5% before the beginning of Euskaraldia, compared to 72.1% of the three months after the end of Euskaraldia.
The conclusions also point out that the participants largely fulfilled the tasks entrusted and that those with less ability to speak in Euskera have changed the most.
Counsellor Bingen Zupiria has defined the exercise as a 'massive and innovative initiative that aims to influence language habits' in the Basque Country. He also explained that the study was able to analyse the linguistic practices of thousands of citizens. On the other hand, the president of Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, Elena Laka, explained that we must continue to drown and belarriprest and continue to deepen them. Laka has clarified that the main objective of the next edition of Euskaraldia will be to offer social and institutional support to all those who decide to live in Euskera. Finally, Garbiñe Mendizabal highlighted 'the citizen's involvement and enthusiasm in the committees that were created to invigorate the popular initiative'.
Within the framework of the published study, two lines have been worked: qualitative and quantitative. The objective is to analyze whether the quantitative has influenced and influenced the change in the linguistic habits of citizenship. The qualitative objective is to analyze the social discourses that emerged in the framework of the Basque Country, collecting the testimonies of the participants and the organizers of the initiative.
The second edition of this social exercise will take place in autumn 2020. This also has two axes, firstly to influence the linguistic habits of citizens and, secondly, to promote measures to increase the use of Euskera in the functioning of entities. Thus, the drownbizi and belarriprest will again be the protagonists of this exercise, while Euskaraldia has clarified that the symbols used will continue in it.
More information on the published report
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