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The Basque is from all Navarros and Navarre in Iruñea on Saturday by the Sorionekuak initiative

  • This Saturday, June 10, the Euskaldunes and Euskaltzales of Navarre will live a holiday and claim in Pamplona, organized by Sorionekua, under the slogan Euskara of all the Navarros.
Nafarroako eremu guztietatik ari dira dei egiten ekainaren 10eko festara joateko. Hemen Iruñean egindakoa. (Argazkia: @Sorionekuak)

09 June 2023 - 10:54
Last updated: 13:22

In the Casco Viejo de Pamplona and next to the park of the Taconera, on Basotxo Street, numerous activities have been organized daily (see program at the end of the news) and at 17:30 a demonstration will be held: Leave the Antoniutti Park, head to Gaztelugibel and return on Pio Avenue XII.aren to Basotxo Street to finish the demonstration.

Ager and Hand of Irulegi

A demonstration against zoning was held in Tudela on 22 October. In addition to bringing together many people, an atmosphere arose in which they thought it had to be extended to all of Navarre. Shortly afterwards, we had the opportunity to discover an event to boost these intentions of the South: on 14 November the Hand of Irulegi was communicated in the Aranguren Valley of the Region of Pamplona. The discovery of the Society of Aranzadi Sciences provoked a flood over the naturalness of the Basque Country, on which the manifesto and the Sorionekuak movement were presented last January, which organized the Saturday festival. Here you can see who signed the manifesto.

Another way to do

Sorionekua brings together people who live and want to live in Basque. They say that in the manifesto and in the statements made during these months they want to bring the Basque industry another way of doing, because the Basque language is the language of all Navarros. They stress that the Basque people in Navarre experience many difficulties, in many areas, besides teaching, administration, culture, etc. However, they do not want to live the Basque with concern, they want to live the Basque from joy and normality: “We want to live impregnated in Basque, perhaps without speaking too much about Basque.” We want to be Sorionekus, they say putting Irulegi's Hand in front of the party.

They want to relate the Basque with the smile and with the positive rather than with the concern and the problem, but always against. But they are also aware that “it is time to demand political responsibilities” and “we want all rights to be guaranteed to all citizens, without fictitious limits”. As they claim at the end of the manifesto, they are to act, not to give in: “Resignation is not an option. We have shown it and we will show it: we want to create new ephemerides, write new pages of history, in Basque.”


People from all over Navarre will meet and the organizers encourage the citizens to come dressed in the characteristics of each area: Bring “txaranga, costume, distinctive suit, cultural group, altar or whatever to bring the scarf of your people.”

Since January various activities have been organized in schools, in leisure time and in culture, and Saturday wants to be a collection of all these areas. The programme they have prepared is as follows:

11:00 Workshop of hands and painting. Eskuahaldunak Association. In the sketch.

11:00-14:00 Inflatables and youth games. In the sketch.

11:30 Handrails of giants. In the sketch.

12:00 Meetings. In the sketch.

12:00 Vermouth Dj. Laba Association, in the plaza del Castillo.

12:30 Long live the hearts! Children's show. Sketch.

13:00 Singing.

14:00 Popular food. Arrano Association.

16:30 Sunday Txaranga. Sketch.

17:30 Citizen mobilization. Antoniutti.

The initiative has received all kinds of support: Council of Euskalgintza, Topagunea, Behatokia, AEK, IKA and EHE, among others; from the Sortzen teaching and the Federation of Ikastolas of Navarra; from the unions ELA, LAB, ESK and Steilas, and from the political parties EH Bildu and Gerbai. The Euskaltzaleen Youth Network Sarea, Ikama and Ernaik have also called to approach the festival.

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