How is TikTok?
I am a creative person and I give leadership to creativity in it. I studied filmmaking and, among many other things, I am also a musician. After a year in the Basque language, I decided to publish a video in the Basque language TikToken.
You've got 5,000 followers, it's not slow.
That's the way it is. This first video caught my attention and since then I have shared the elaboration of my Basque career in the networks. I also like languages a lot. One way or another, I found in TikTok the opportunity to address all these aspects of my life.
Do you upload something every day?
Oh, yeah, yeah. I do live performances at 22:00. I have the opportunity to talk about anything while the audience corrects my mistakes. For me this is very important: the possibility of abandoning the ego and allowing the Basques to correct my language. That's how you learn languages. Getting help is essential. The basement is important, of course. But in the direct ones, I’m constantly talking and working on the language. TikTok is my best tool for learning Spanish.
Why use a language as “small” as Basque?
I have Basque as a family mystery. Since I learned about my Basque connection, through studying Basque, I have felt as if I could wake up a giant who has been sleeping in my past.
Has this mystery brought you to the Basque Country?
Oh, yeah, yeah. Twenty years ago, when I lived in Andalusia, a friend from Cadiz told me that Zúñiga was a Basque surname. I didn’t know what it was like to be a “Basque” and started researching. How come I haven’t heard of such a beautiful and mysterious language as Basque so far? That's what I thought. As I read about Basque history, language and culture, I fell in love more and more. I would say that the main goal in my life is to learn Spanish at some point.
How is your process of learning Spanish?
I'm doing it little by little, taking my time. I talk all the time, I'm able to get rid of embarrassment. That's my superpower. On the other hand, the Basque language is like the map of the treasure. Every time I look at the map, I find new clues that bring me closer to the treasure. One day I'll get to the treasure. For now, I'm enjoying myself a lot and it makes me feel like I'm a kid again. Every day I learn something new in search of my treasure.
Is it hard for you?
Learning a language is a great sacrifice, because you have to dedicate a lot of time and work to learning it. In my opinion, the key is to understand the desire and reason for learning the language. When you have a strong reason to learn the language, it is always easier to be aware of the learning process. It is possible that the difficulties of learning a language depend on one’s own minds.
Are you limited by language?
The language limitations are there, but I don’t notice them. In addition, people encourage and facilitate me to make my daily life in Basque. When you learn languages such as Spanish or French, no one will particularly encourage you, however, when you learn Basque.
How do people respond when they hear that you are American and do it in Basque?
That's an interesting question. When they listen to me, they are amazed. Some locals have told me that they are proud to hear an outsider speak Basque. People are happy to hear from me and are always willing to help.
Anything else you like about the Basque Country besides language?
In January, in the tamborrada of San Sebastián, I began to cry tears! The idea and feeling of community unity in the Basque Country is very strong. This is not the case in the United States.
Any advice for those who want to learn Spanish?
Talk without fear. If you keep it inside, you can die in it.
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