The Sasiburu association of the Biscayan locality has criticized the use of the Basque Country in the campaign to promote consumption of the City of Barakaldo. “25 November 5 December Save 33% of your purchases to guide the local economy. Get your bonus and in a gastalos the campaign in which the establishment participates” have been read by the citizens. "Surprised and outraged," the association said.
Sasiburu added that, except on the website, on the other pages "a different language is used to Basque" and that the supplementary document to buy the bonus is entirely in Spanish. After the complaint filed by the association, the Basque version was withdrawn and only the Spanish version was read.
Responsibilities and responsibilities
If the Spanish version produced these faults, “the website would close immediately and the criticisms would be heard in depth”, said Sasiburu. All this “has responsibility” and has held the mayor of Barakaldo, the head of the Staff Area of the City Hall, the head of the Ingurualde campaign and the design agency Drowers responsible for “not respecting the linguistic rights of all Barakaldeses and Barakaldesas”. "No one supervises the documents that are going to be published?" he asked the association.
Sasiburu has asked that each agent "make their own reflection". The Basque association has asked for public forgiveness to those responsible, to block the web "until they are properly translated" and to put in place the necessary means so that this kind of event does not happen again.
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Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.
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