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Basque Country, rights and obligations

11 January 2021 - 17:06
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

At ETB1, Council Secretary General Paul Bilbao has been invited to the Ahoz Aho programme and what he has heard in the interview has led us to write these lines, something that almost nobody sees (1.7%).

Some of the characteristics of the discourse that has dominated the Euskalgintza of the CAV in recent years seem to us to be very controversial. He who talks about the consequences of the pandemic.

On the one hand, we have to hear that in times of pandemic the Basque Country is more vulnerable or more vulnerable. The Basque is nothing without the Basques, so the Euskaldunes will be the most vulnerable, right? And what does that mean: that we Basques are weaker than others? Yes, we know that you don't want to imply that, but we're sure that it helps increase the poor and sick complex that we already have.

We are told that the only relationship that many boys and girls have with the Basque Country is in school, and since they have had to limit or suppress the classroom classes, these children and young people living in a Castilian speaking environment have received a lower dose of Euskera than otherwise and, therefore, have been forgotten / slowed down many. OK, but then let's say that schoolchildren or young people in Castilian speaking environments have suffered a loss of language due to the pandemic. And let's not take it out, without falling into a corrupt victimizing discourse -- because mercy has few preachers.

"If we have the right to speak in Basque, everyone who lives in our house has the duty to know Basque; if not, it is impossible"

And let’s say loud and clear that EiTB does not perform one of the functions it should perform, that is, to offer children and young people a comfortable and friendly Basque care, even more so in Castilian speaking environments.

On the other hand, only rights are mentioned: the rights that Euskaldunes have to be able to speak in Basque. But there is no talk of imposition, because it does not seem to be a fair and venal speech. But with this way of speaking, as soon as we break the thin outer layer a little, we find ourselves right away with the dialectic of rights and duties.

For if we have the right to speak in Basque, everyone living in our house has the duty to know the Basque; otherwise, it is impossible. It must also be said that all the laws in force in the CAPV guarantee the right to do in Spanish, both in the private and in the administrative sphere, where and at any time. But the same is not true of Euskera; that Euskaldunes are not guaranteed the right to speak in Euskera in many areas, not in the CAV, but much less in Navarre and Iparralde.

So far we will agree. So why do we not mention that those who do not know have an obligation to learn Euskera, and that this obligation is personal and collective, and that, as it is, public institutions should adopt measures so that the right that we Euskaldunes have to do in Euskera in Euskal Herria is guaranteed in all areas. And also that, at least, we have to have the same rights as those who want to do it in Spanish, and for this it is essential that all of us who live in the CAV know Euskera preceptively, without forcing any Euskaldun to do it in Spanish in any area.

In short, and in order to guarantee the right of the Basque people to speak in Basque in the Basque Country, it must be pointed out that all the citizens of the CAPV have the right and the duty to know it in Basque, as we have the obligation to know in Spanish/French.

What is not a sympathetic message? It doesn't have to be nice! What is a disguised imposition? Guaranteeing the right to express oneself in Basque in the Basque Country will never be an imposition; unlike in Spain it is not to use Spanish, and in France it is not French.

Let us say things clear without deceiving anyone and without losing ourselves in vague and sweet euphemisms. To the right to speak in Basque, we all have an obligation to know, how the wall is built!

And to ensure this, public measures are urgent in all areas, starting with EiTB!

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