"The Basque people make us people, and culture makes us live peoples. They have always been protagonists in the history of the Basque and the people. And there have been few who have followed this path in the three provinces of the continental Basque Country, uninterruptedly for centuries.
For its part, the book of Iparralde, the work of Xabier Monasterio, has made an important contribution to the Basque literature (here it was created) and, especially in Lapurdi, has been a great literary tradition. We are nothing more than a link in that chain in favour of the Basque country that has gone through the centuries, and we too want to contribute simply to our language.
The opposite winds lead us quickly: you cannot build a ikastola in a Beskoitze, the French colonial administration refuses to pass the tests in Euskera, and the same ones that have brought the Basque Country into agony, that resort to rulings against the Basque Country in the CAV, and the right to learn Euskera in the administration in Navarra is not guaranteed to all the Navarros, but that the language itself.
The list can be lengthened as many times as we want, but the worst thing is that, to complete the play, with a dialectical translation, they make coal white accusing those of us who want to live in Basque of being oppressors and discriminatory: a minority language, delegitimized, discriminatory of the dominant colonizing languages absolutely powerful! Drunk victim: you had to dare and you have dared!
Both the immersion system in the recovery schools of Euskera (to broaden knowledge) and the spaces of social immersion (to enhance use): the respiratory spaces, the moments and places in which Euskera is dominated without interference from other languages, those that generate and transmit quality, those that facilitate fluidity, enthusiasm and the possibility of practising Euskera, those that help to develop the whole of the strengthening speaker.
To this end we created the Ziburu Feria del Libro y del Disco Vasco, a fair of creation, literature and music rich and varied in our language, to offer those who learn or know Euskera for a day, relationships, exchanges, reflections, debates, debates, knowledge, to live in Euskera with tranquility, normality and spontaneity, without having to explain, justify or translate anything, far from linguistic stress, sweet and spontaneous.
Therefore, Euskera or ezkara: let us fill the square with Euskera! ".
The motto "Euskara ala ezkara" has been invented by the writer Gotzon Garate (1934– 2008) and Elgoibarko Izarra Euskaltzaleon Topagunea organizes annually with the City Hall of Elgoibar meetings on the Basque under this motto in honor of Garate. They have been asked for permission to use, "and we were delighted, if you help spread your message to more places in Euskal Herria," the organizers said.
What place does the theater have in a showcase like the book and the Basque fair of Ziburu? Or in other words, how much does the theater of literature have? This question was the starting point for Daniel Landart and Arantxa Hirioien at the round table Zubiburu of the opening... [+]
Berrogei argitaletxe eta diskoetxe, horietarik bederatzi berri, eta 120 salmahai bosgarren Ziburuko liburu eta disko azokan. Ekainaren lehenean ospatuko dute Baltsan elkarteak eta Argia hedabideak