Iñigo Urkullu has been interviewed this Monday morning at Radio Euskadi, and among other things, he has talked about the purchase of Euskaltel by MasMobile. The operation has been the subject of many criticisms in the political, business and social spheres – they have denounced that public money is the destination of the private sector; or that it involves the loss of a strategic industry. Urkullu has acknowledged that there are concerns, but it has downplayed them by saying that in the operations of previous years "the advertisers of misfortune" also appeared.
On the one hand, the Lehendakari of the Basque Country has pointed out that the sale of Euskaltel is a consequence of the development of the “markets”: “We are in a global market. Euskaltel was born 25 years ago, in a different context, in a local market and with few competitors. Euskaltel has evolved, shareholders too, and it cannot be forgotten that they have had to adapt to the regulations that have changed." On the other hand, it has ensured that the permanence of Euskaltel and the maintenance of the roots in the CAV is guaranteed. The sales agreement between Euskaltel and MoreMobile states that the registered office will be maintained for at least five years in the CAV and the Euskaltel brand, but according to Urkullu, "the guarantees of settlement go beyond those first five years".
ELA sindikatuak hitzarmena defendatzeko deitutako hamar eguneko greba hasi bezperan, akordioa lortu dute Zamudioko ZTEko zuzendaritzarekin. Hitzarmenak soldata-igoerak, lanaldi-murrizketa, aplikatu beharreko gutxieneko soldatak eta telelanaren oinarriak jasotzen ditu. Gauzak... [+]
Euskaltel burtsaratu ondoren, asteartean jakin da nazioarteko inbertsore handiak hasi direla enpresaren kapitalean sartzen.
Asteazkenean atera da burtsara Euskaltel telekomunikazio enpresa eta lehen egunean bere akzioak 5,8 igo dira. Euskaltelek bere kapital sozialaren %63,5a atera du burtsara –80,4 milioi euro– eta goiz hasieran akzioek 9,50 euroren balioa bazuten, egun amaieran 10,05 .
ZTE konpainia txinatar erraldoiaren parte izatera pasako diren Euskalteleko 133 langileen subkontratazioak, "lan eskubideen galera" ekarriko duela salatu du ELA sindikatuak.