On Wednesday, representatives of eight citizens’ movements appeared at the Casa Zabaldi in Pamplona: Barrio Platform de commissions de fiestas de Pamplona, Project of social economy and solidarity Geltoki, Sahrawi Kabiak Association, Teatrolari Theatre School, Platform of women pensioners ONEKA, Mugitu! Ecological movement, Nafarroako Neska* Gazteak, Nafarroako Bilgune Feminist, Fundación Orreaga and Ernai de Navarra. The conveners have called on the citizens and the agents to join in the manifesto they have put forward in order to strengthen the Council’s demonstration. The manifest can be attached in writing to address EML0.
From the shore to the centre, also in the linguistic area
“We work in different areas, but we have only one goal: to build a more just, cohesive and egalitarian society. In other words, a society that leaves no one behind,” they said at the hearing. In all these areas, they have considered that it is time to channel the needs and rights of minority people “from the shores to the center”, because “in the field of language we do not want to belittle citizenship, in the field of language we also demand rights for all”.
The signatories of the manifesto express their "surprise" at the "structural discrimination" experienced by the Basques in Navarre and their commitment to linguistic normalization. “It’s not only incomprehensible, it’s incomprehensible that rights are recognised by counties,” they explained. They express their concern about the decree prepared by the Government of Navarra for the administration: “More importance will be given to official and non-proprietary languages than to one’s own language.”
Build bridges between diminished
“Those on the shores have to occupy together the place that belongs to us in the center, the place that owes us in the center,” the manifesto says. They have pointed out that it is time to build “alliances” and “bridges” among minority groups, this time in favor of the Basque Country, and tomorrow around another demand: “We are convinced that, along this path, we will have to position ourselves collectively in another area in favour of a minority group, and we will do so.”
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.