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Euskalgintza agents convene the "Euskara aurrera" demonstration

  • Representatives of different Euskalgintza agents have met to join the "Euskara aurrera" initiative and encourage citizens to participate in the demonstration convened by Gazte Euskaltzaleen Sarea on May 21 in Donostia.

11 May 2022 - 11:43
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On 10 May, a number of agents from the Basque industry met in Donostia. They said that the situation had to be looked at: XXI. In the twenty-first century, Euskera has more difficulties and challenges than the desired ones: legal rulings against Euskera have been accentuated in recent times, current linguistic policies are a discontent to respond to the challenges that Euskera has in its hands, there are no decisive steps to make the universalization of knowledge a reality, new measures are needed to ensure that Euskera has a dignified presence in the digital sphere.... Moreover, today we cannot say that the future of the Basque Country is guaranteed".

"To set in motion the new popular momentum that Euskera needs"

If the Basque Country XXI.mendera has come alive, they have pointed out that it was thanks to the commitment of thousands of Euskaltzales and that it will be "thanks to the commitment of thousands of Euskaltzales for the Basque Country to move forward in the future". They indicate that on that road they see "rays of light": "Euskalgintza continues to build this people in Euskera and in Euskera in its day to day; the largest and most powerful Korrika of all time has passed recently; the Euskaltzales Youth Network has been created, with the aim of uniting a new generation of young people to the struggle for Euskera..."

They state that there is a popular will and energy to "launch the new popular momentum that Euskera needs" and ask all Euskaltzales to "take a step forward": "A step forward to fulfill the right and the desire to live as a Basque; to normalize the Basque one; to contribute to a world based on the equality of languages, linguistic communities and peoples; to respect the linguistic rights of all, because this is a problem of justice and democracy; for the Basque one to be a fiber for popular cohesion; in short, for the Basque Country to be Euskaldun".

It is invited to participate in the demonstration to be held on 21 May at 17:30 from the Old San Sebastian tunnel. The demonstration is organized by Gazte Euskaltzaleen Sarea.

Representatives of the agents who have joined the call "Euskara aurrera"

Paul Bilbao (Euskalgintza Kontseilua), Kike Amonarriz (Euskaltzaleen Topagunea), Urko Aierbe and Koldo Zarate (Euskal Herrian Euskaraz), Lorea Agirre (Jakin), Jon Abril (Elhuyar), Alex Aginagalaz UEMA has also adhered to them.


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