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  • We have to shape a new term, “Euskalgintza Zaharra”. Progressive transformation and adaptation within society and the grass-roots movement must be an essential element in the development of language, economy, politics, etc.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We also need this proper and permanent analysis of Basque cultural activity to analyse what we are doing well and badly, to fill the gaps in our strategy and take steps forward.

It seems that in recent years the Basque Country has only made progress. We continue to advance in knowledge, Korrika has more attachment than ever before, and in general, Euskera has more presence than 50 years ago.

However, we must ask ourselves whether those who see this half-packed phenomenon will not be overwhelmed with glory in a couple of drops of water. Ethnic Basque (J.M. With the permission of Odriozola) there is nothing else to do with how this crumb has materialized in these years.

It can be said that Basque cultural activity currently covers two different areas: the old and the new. The so-called Euskalgintza zaharra analyzes the evolution of Euskera from the parameters of Franco. In other words, it understands in isolation every transformation of Franco, and every achievement is gold, gloss. The mantra is repeated at all times: the power relations are in favor, the administration is in favor, there is no need for the Basque to be present in the centers of power, and the defense of the Basque is greater than the opposition. In general, we are on the right track.

It can be said that Basque cultural activity currently covers two different areas: old and new. Euskalgintza zaharra contemplates the evolution of Euskera from the
parameters of Franco

This set of views comes mostly from the Basque media and from the hegemonic outbreaks of opinion. Of those who live from the administration, from the Basque technicians, from “being” or from giving the appearance of being in favor of the Basque. Of those who come to say that those who work in the administration itself in Spanish and in French are in favour of the Basque and that the responsibility and the guilt of not living in Basque is only of the Euskaldunes. Of those who say that if those who are against Euskera get nervous, they can bring more errors than benefits.

Going deeper into the analysis, though, we're pretty cramped. Few mention, in Txilardegi's biography, the work that some sectors of Euskal Herria had to do against the official Euskalgintza of the moment to create the unified Euskera and hegemonize it in the small Basque world. Delving deeper into the thesis, the Basque Country has at all times the risk of being assimilated.

There's a lot of money at stake. The administration has invested a lot of money in Euskera technicians, assistants, Euskera plans and communication managers. Also in the grants to “work” by the Basque Country to those who are friends of the administration itself.

It is precisely these workers who want to avoid confrontation with foreign authority in the Basque world. The complicity with the administration and the economic dependence are too great to understand that those comic figures that sell us on television as Euskaltzales have no personal interest. They feel comfortable in their day-to-day life and the jump from routine to commitment seems too expensive when they live in the dependency of the boss. In the end, the Basque country has to confine itself to orality and to its own will, knowing that in this way, we condemn the Basque country to be a language of conversation at home, to speak to cows and sprouts.

The new Euskalgintza is the only element to break with this entelechy. Structured through a proper analysis of the situation. The media, administration, politics, the economy, etc., are trained in Spanish and French, that is, we are facing a new era of power guneak.Kolonizazio, where homogenization already goes beyond Spain and France. At the same time, the crisis of the militancy and popular movement must be tackled by recovering human, political and economic capital.

There is this new activity in Basque. It's on the street, it's in society, it's integrated into the popular movement. Not dependent on the Administration, which aims at the spaces of power, based on the will of the collective and willing to build the model of shock necessary to advance in Basque cultural activity. If those who are against the Basque Country do not get nervous, it will be difficult to advance Euskalgintza, precisely because his nervousness indicates the possibility of taking steps forward.

Betor, then, to the plaza, to that new Euskalgintza, and that the old and crippled Euskalgintza be thrown into the pile of pigs to improve the Basque.

Adrián Zelaia, member of the “Precision” Public Health Euskaldunization Movement.
Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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