Fraudulent emails sent by the fake account refer to the drawing of tickets for the EHZ music festival. the fake account opened by scammers on Instagram is @euskalerriairratia_, with the bottom line. Real account of Euskalerria Irratia, @euskalerriairratia, without a low script.
This false account sent the data of the false draw earlier this afternoon. Some users have immediately contacted the radio to report fraud. As soon as we know it, the broadcaster has denounced what happened to Instagram.
Euskalerria Irratia is performing from his real Instagram account the draw of a double entry for the EHZ music festival, but the winner will make it known on Wednesday, without needing to request any current account number and without needing to put a link to click.
Gaur abiatu da Bizi Baratzea Orrian kide egiteko kanpaina. Urtaro bakoitzean kaleratuko den aldizkari berezi honek Lurrari buruzko jakintza praktikoa eta gaurkotasuneko gaiak jorratuko ditu, formato oso berezian: poster handi bat izango du ardatz eta tolestu ahala beste... [+]
Over the past few weeks I have had these two books in my hands: The space of reflection in Basque (Euskaltzaindia, 2024) and Mariano Ferrer, reflexive journalism. Journalism and commitment (Erein, 2023) . I have read that 42.2% of Basques see ETB1 and 20.6% read the Basque... [+]
Over the past few weeks I have had these two books in my hands: The space of reflection in Basque (Euskaltzaindia, 2024) and Mariano Ferrer, reflexive journalism. Journalism and commitment (Erein, 2023) . I have read that 42.2% of Basques see ETB1 and 20.6% read the Basque... [+]