To those who for the last decades have tried to survive Euskal Herria, a lot of insulting questions, therefore, we are at the time of saying or claiming something. We want to make it clear that ETA has not been a terrorist organisation, but a political and military vanguard at the service of the Basque working people, at least in most of its history.
In this sense, the central axis of ETA’s political and military activity was the achievement of the independence and socialism of Euskal Herria, although our occupiers and exploiters reject this issue, thus their main explanation is that those who have fought for the same ETA and for the same objectives are considered terrorists.
There are many Basques who have fallen into the battle that has taken place over the last 60 years. However, many members of the Left Official and Social Democrat Abertzale appreciate the concept that Basque resistance is a source of pain, with no more or less
It is clear that during these 60 years, those of us who have been in the Basque National Liberation Movement, with the level of involvement X and the different intervention dynamics, have worked in the fight and defence of the same objectives as ETA. To deny that is to give up history and ourselves.
It is also clear that those who publicly deny all of this are lying or, to a greater or lesser extent, have moved to the area of our occupants and exploiters. Time will tell where they are located in that large network.
In one of the worst known times in Spain (crisis in crisis in recent years), the Basque social democracy has acted as an honest ally and guarantor of the occupying and exploitative system until the dismantling of the entire Basque National Liberation Movement, including the political-military struggle. In fact, this type of struggle is the only contradiction that cannot be accepted by occupational systems, as it calls into question the French and Spanish states and capital. It is also evident that it only serves to wander around the noria of the Spanish or French system.
If you have antagonistic interests, you cannot fight the adversary, despite having worse means for confrontation, and even less so, you cannot endure the adversary, who is precisely the one who denies our past, present and future.
There are many Basques who have fallen into the battle that has taken place over the last 60 years. However, the concept that the Basque resistance militant generates pain is recognized by many members of the Left Official and Social Democrat Abertzale, without more or less. They want us to believe that the struggle and resistance for the people and the class should never have occurred, all with the recognition of the principal ideas of the occupier.
That is, being resilient is synonymous with terrorism. Revolutionary violence for equal terrorism. Peace, diversity, interclassism … renounce the class struggle. Nothing is possible outside the parameters of the capitalist democracy we are dealing with and exploiting.
At the time when ETA is called upon to be condemned, we have to bear the following answer to Otegi: "We have done more important than condemning ETA, because we have contributed to its final dissolution"
At the time when ETA is called upon to be condemned, we have to bear the following answer to Otegi: “We have done something more important than condemning ETA, because we have contributed to its final dissolution.” Thus, we wonder why, if under the legislation of our occupants there is no way to see the free and socialist Basque future (as Spain and France say at all times), the Basque resistance has been dissolved and why our political prisoners have been allowed to be corrupted in the prisons of the occupants, being those who have contributed the most to the national and social liberation of Euskal Herria.
They say (it is not just a matter of the spokesperson or coordinator) that they feel because of the pain caused, even more so, if by some expression they have intensified that logical pain… We say again: Euskal Herria is the first victim and not Spain or France at a personal or collective level. These two capitalist and imperialist countries, in addition to asking for forgiveness, have to compensate us for violent actions throughout history, occupation, torture and suffering.
Another worrying response (using the PNV message and language): “Do not block (PSOE-GAL), or blank checks.” With this answer we see the student of the PNV who tries to imitate but comes late. You will have to give more to the system than many others, who previously joined it.
Another worrying response (using the PNV message and language): "No lockdown (PSOE-GAL), no blank checks"
In part, in that crazy conversation with Otegi, there are spaces of great strength. On the one hand, he wants to recognize the leadership and support that mafioso Felipe González of the GAL has had, but not to judge, but for democratic coexistence. In contrast, it seems that Basque political prisoners do not exist, and that the change of strategy and the surrender of ETA led to everything being resolved in “four” days.
On the other hand, he said that he may have caused pain to the victims, but only as a spokesman, as they were not members of the politico-military organization of that quality. Faced with this, it has to be said that the institution has made an acknowledgement of involuntary errors throughout its life, so it does not have to be held responsible for it, let alone apologise for something it has not done.
It is not a question of referring to the victims, as it is the escape route that interests France and Spain in order not to get to the heart of the problem. It is tremendous that in all the questions asked to Otegi there is no talk about the reasons for the conflict. Euskal Herria is the first victim of the aggression, and until he can develop his national and social future, he will be in the war against the occupant or exploiter.
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