The act has recalled the commitment of Joxe Mari, energy, generosity, integrative vision, respect, servitude and the way of caring, educational values that must be claimed in voice alta.El book Hik Hasik is an example and a stimulus for all educators and citizens who work behind their dreams in the cultural, urban and educational sphere.
The images of the event can be seen here.
From A to Z Joxe Mari Auzmendi. The authors and values worked are:
Izaskun Madariaga, playful of words
Courage: Maialen Lujanbio
Vividor: Lorea Agirre, Harrabe's club
Cromlech: Hik Hasi, the spirit of ‘Gintza’
Dermis: Josu Txapartegi, and all this for the people
Basque: Arantxa Urbe, Impossible to do
Footballer: Arantzazu Muñoa, as in the Prado, in life
We: Maialen Izaro and Olaia Auzmendi Sarasa, A smile in the kitchen
Hik Hasi: Ainhoa Azpirotz, Enbidoan hordago!
Education: Irene López-Goñi, smoking the pedagogical daltonism
Seamstresses: Jon Sarasua, Dakik zer den herrigintza
Chemistry: Josi Oiarbide, training in special chemistry, in Basque and innovative
Freedom: Ane Sofedo Larrion, Joxe Mari, that free spirit
Mundano: Joseba Sarrionandia, Joxe Mari's endless journey - bea
Guidance: Amagoia Mujika (Bizipoza), The Look of a Bird
Andereño: Asier Iriondo, Andereño beard footballer
Oles: Hik Hasi, constantly shaking the Earths
Presence: Alfredo Hoyuelos, A presence as subtle as strong
Quorum: Olatz Lasagabaster, Ekin and take the opportunity to jointly undertake
Radar: Joxe Luix Agirretxe (Oinherri), expert in detecting needs
Soya: Cristina Mardaras, S.L. instead of G.E.D., an emergency partner that should be NGOs
Witness: Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots, Witnesses and Bellows Donors
Child: Alvaro Beñaran, Child in the middle of education, is owner and subject of his life, in that we had and have Joxe Mari
Viana: Aines Dufau, No limits between the heart and the peripheries
Watt: Ainara Gorostitzu, up to the last watt
Champagne: Fito Rodriguez, xaloa Joxe Mari
Variable Y: Pello Otxandiano, Basque education alchemist
Surveillance: Nora Salbotx, Abrazo, your small dictionary
Intervention: Gloria Sarasa, in one word
Images: Eñaut Aiartzaguena Bravo
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