(H)ilbeltza organizes the Basque Black Novel Week, to be held from 20 to 26 in the Baztan. During these days, there will be visits and round tables of writers, food, Night of the Suspects, black lap... This was made known in the presentation that took place on Wednesday afternoon at the Karrikiri bookstore in Pamplona/Iruña. (H)ilbeltza was presented by Aitziber Zapiain and Maitane Maritorena, under the sponsorship of the members of the association. Along with them was Beñat Iturriotz, from Bira Produkzioak, who made the (H)ilbeltza spot.
Ilbeltzak 20, Monday
The Black Novel Week begins with a talk about Horace McCoy's book entitled Better Stay at Home. For this, they will have the visit of the translator Fernando Rey. They will meet in the society of Zion Kaiola de Irurita, from 19:00 in the afternoon.
Ilbeltzak 22, Wednesday
On Wednesday, 22, the Mirande Beltza Tertulia will be held by Amaia Elizalde. In Anizko society, the date is at 19:00, at the Arriaga Theatre.
Ilbeltzak 24, Good Friday
From the hand of Begoña del Teso, on Friday at 19:00 in Arizkun they will talk about the books of Quentin Tarantino's mesilla.
Ilbeltzak 25, Saturday
Saturday will meet in the morning and in the afternoon. The first stop will be in Elizondo, at 11:00 hours. With Jon Alonso, Maribi Elizalde and Eneko Bidegain, the programme will discuss what happened at Mundua Ituren. Then, at 14:00, they will eat in Erratzu society. Persons interested in purchasing tickets must do so in writing to the postal address ilbeltzabaztanen@gmail.com. After the meal, at 16:00 hours, it will be the turn of the book presentations. Alfontso Gartziandia, Itsu kolpeka, and Josu Barambones, for their part, will present the Lardaska works in the program. The latter has become a novelty for the Grand Duke of Alba. (H)ilbeltza is the winner of the scholarship and has translated Patricia Highsmith's novel. At 18:00 the Night of Suspects will be held in Erratzu.
Ilbeltzak 26, Sunday
The black week will be completed with two quotes organized by the Idazleekin Solasean association for Sunday. Mid-morning, at 11:00 a.m., the black tour of Amaiur will take place, with the comments of Kontrabandisten and Eleak. In the afternoon, at the Arizkunenea Culture House in Elizondo, poetry criminals will be able to enjoy a recital. Retransmission will start at 19:00 hours, in ETB1 and eitb.eus.
Exhibition 'The yellow singing of Bereterretxe'
On the occasion of the Week of the Basque Black Novel, the exhibition Bereterretxeren kanthoria, by Begoña Durruti, is dazzled from 13 to 26. Guests can visit Arizkun from 17:00 to 20:00 hours.
This will end Black Novel Week, but (H)ilbeltza, besides being a week of Black Moon, have remembered that there is also a website: www.ilbeltza.eus. In it you will find many interesting information about book quotes, interviews, black film... all in Basque and about the black genre.
«(H)the conversations or invitations we make on the Moon itself often pass through the Web, through conversation or gender, or responding to the stopwatch. (H) the same kind of people who haven't gone too far without coming to the Black Moon. It's not just black, it's not just literature; the website is the (H)ilbeltza that we form from month to month. If you want to visit us!” they commented in the presentation.
Hilaren 24tik 30era bitartean egingo dute aurtengo (H)ilbeltza, Baztango nobela beltzaren astea. Aurtengo programazioa aurkezteko spota argitaratu dute asteazken honetan.
Aurten ez dute nobela beltzaren asterik izan Baztanen, (H)ilbeltzaren antolatzaileek urtean zehar sakabanatu baitituzte jarduerak. Asteartean jakinarazi dutenez, baina, 2022an berriz egingo dute astebeteko (H)ilbeltza jaialdia.
(H)Ilbeltza Euskal Nobela Beltzaren Asteak aurtengo edizioa iragartzeko spot-a argitaratu du urteko bigarren egunean. Beltz kutsukoa da iragarkia eta, noski, krimen baten berri ematen digu.
Ernesto Prat Urzainik Telleria eta gero, zer? aurkeztu du maiatzaren 17an Elkar argitaletxearen eskutik, bere hirugarren eleberria.
Baztango Udalak eta Txalaparta argitaletxeak euskarazko literatura beltza sustatzeko beka jarri dute martxan. 6.000 euroko laguntza dago mahai gainean, zeina kutsu beltzeko euskal nobela-proiektu onenaren egileak poltsikoratuko duen. “Nik idatziko nuke, baina ez dakit zer... [+]
(H)ilbeltza elkarteak, Baztango Udalak eta Txalaparta argitaletxeak aurkeztu dute deialdia, eta lanak ekainaren 23ra arte bidal daitezke.