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The Basque Currency delivers 61,281 Basques to 58 associations

  • Thanks to the "3% result" resource of the Basque currency, a total of 61,281 Basque entities donated to 58 receiving associations. The solidarity of the local currency is confirmed by this new record, as last year’s EUR 50,540 has been far exceeded this year.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

05 October 2022 - 10:25
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Last Saturday, about forty associations participated in the Basque Societies Day at the Surfrider Foundation in Biarritz. This annual meeting is organized with the aim of contributing to the development of the associative world, offering associations that are part or not of the local currency a real dimension. In fact, it is a quotation dedicated to funding partnerships, but this year it has been enriched by external rapporteurs. Thus, Patxi Belly, the agency of Patenas, and Camille Barreau, the consulting firm Seeds, talked about private and public funding, respectively.

Régis Enériz de la Moneda Vasca, for its part, submitted a 3% appeal for the result of the Basque Currency and showed that the use of the local currency helps the associations of the territory in a very concrete way. In fact, since 2013, 250,000 Basques have been handed over to 70 associations working in different fields: environment, education, solidarity, Basque, sport, culture, etc.

The recipients of this result were to recover their symbolic cheque. Its recipients include Angelu's Kimua Ikastola. This, for the second consecutive year, doubles the amount of its result: 417 in the Basque Country 2020, 1,021 in 2021 and 2,126 this year!

"Two years ago, within the Ikastola, we reactivated the Basque Commission. We realized that everyone knew the Basque Country and identified with its values, but there was a lack of pedagogy and the possibility of taking a step forward. Therefore, with simplicity, enthusiasm and motivation, we organize informative tables for the parents of the students, after the courses and then in our actions. As a result, we have made it possible to pay contributions in local currency and have changed our suppliers to reuse our Basques: educational materials, supplies, snacks, bread, fruits and vegetables, etc. Thanks to the 3% system we have managed to improve the learning conditions of our students, and seeing improvement year after year is excellent, because it is beneficial for our Ikastola, for the normalization of the Basque Country and for the economy of Euskal Herria. ", Laura Urtasun Akerreta, responsible for ikastola Kimua



Live! The association was also present. The association that is committed to the ecological emergency and social justice has brought together 4,250 Basques this year, the largest result among the recipients. However, the local currency is much more than just a subsidy, Live! In the opinion of the association, the treasurer Jéremie Bude explains that: “We are surprised at the amount of the result. We have brought together more than 1,000 Basques than last year! We thank our sponsors, who give us the power to finance communication events and actions using the local currency. But, more than that, we are very pleased with the development of Eusko, a project of economic relocation, reduction of the ecological impact and defense of a sovereign territory bearing Bizi.”







How does the 3% result work?


Each of the members of the local currency can choose an association that they want to protect, and when an association has 30 sponsors, the resource of 3% of the Eusko result is accessed. Consequently, Euskaltel (and not its partners) makes an annual result to the association. This result is equivalent to 3% of the euros that all the sponsors of the association have modified in Basque. Therefore, a user who changes 100€ receives 100 Basques and also Euskaltel 3 euros (in Basque is evident!) delivery to the partnership that the user sponsores.



“Solidarity is one of the main values of the local currency in Euskal Herria, and 3% is a concrete example of this. This system, inspired by the local Bavarian Chiemgauer currency, has the advantage that it is beneficial to all. This is complementary funding for associations that stimulate the use of the Basque Country. Thus, if an association is chosen and supported, it is also committed to the general interest of the territory,” says Xebax Christy, president of Euskal Moneta.

Currently, almost 3.5 million Basques are at hand, between 4,000 private individuals and 1,300 professionals. Europe’s largest local currency continues to develop and with this new record of results, it shows that the choice of currency to be used is a very concrete solidarity action!

Recipient associations of 3% of the Basque Country in 2022

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