"The donation of 3% of the Basque Country can be perceived by all the societies that are part of the local currency, with the only condition that they have at least 30 Basque partners who choose to support this association. So, to the Euskoak association, all the followers buy in Euskera all year round and make a donation of 3% of all." This is how the local currency developed in Ipar Euskal Herria works. Thus, 55 associations are supported by more than 30 Basque partners. This year, 38,674 Eusko have been distributed.
The three who receive the most are: The participative and cooperative supermarket Les Amis d’Otsokop –2.259 Eusko–, the association of the two ikastolas of Baiona Ikastolen Lagunak –2.901 Eusko– and, finally, Bizi!, the alterglobalist movement that works for the ecological emergency and social justice –3.411 Eusko–. This year, five new partnerships have approved the accounts of 30 sponsors, and for the first time they have received a donation, one of them is the Ikastola de Amikuze, which has received 388 donors.
Dante Edme-Sanjurjo, Director General of the Basque Monetary Society, who manages the currency, states that the support of associative life in Euskal Herria is the center of the Basque project: “Sport, culture, Basque, solidarity, environment, etc. : the associations encourage and develop our territory, encourage commitment, facilitate links between people and to this end we have created Euskoa as a tool to support associations”. Specifically, Edme-Sanjurjo adds that this is done by supporting associations. Specifically, since 2013, the association has distributed more than 130,000 Basques to the associations of the Basque Country, among which Eusko Alkartasuna stands out.
Larunbat honetan iraganen da Miarritzeko Surfrider fundazioan Eusko ekimenak antolatzen duen Elkarteen eguna. Lekuko moneta bat plantan ezartzearen parte bat elkarteei bideratzen die sistemak eta aurten ere, diruaren birbanaketa solidario horri esker, elkarte batzuk sarituak... [+]
Euskal Elkargoko Turismo Bulegoak eta Euskal Moneta elkarteak “Bakantzak euskoz” egitasmoa jarri dute martxan, helburu batekin: oporrak eusko moneta erabiliz igaro ahal izatea.
Euskoa Europako lehen tokiko moneta da, milioi bat baino gehiago eusko zirkulazioan direlarik, 2013an abiatu zenetik izandako dinamikari esker. Orain hozka batez gora egitea da xedea, Euskoz ordaintzearen ekintza norma bilakaraziz, zeren, euskoz hobe!
Eusko Eguna ospatu zen iragan igandean Lapurdiko hiriburuan. Antolatzaileen erranetan, eguna euritsua izan arren, mila lagun baino gehiago hurbildu ziren Baionako Elkarteen etxera.
Kripto-txanponak asko ugaritu dira azken urteetan, baina fama txarra hartu dute espekulazioarengatik, burbuila ekonomikoak sortzeagatik eta prezioen gorabehera handiengatik, besteak beste. Baina kripto-moneta guztiak al daude kondenatuta betiko diruarekin jada ezagunak ziren... [+]