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Literature celebrates a weekend of Basque letters in Zarautz

  • From Friday to Sunday the Literaturia festival was held in Zarautz (Gipuzkoa) (B)egia. The organization pays tribute to the Booktegi website. They have released three shows, all created specifically for Literature.

27 May 2024 - 12:36
Last updated: 16:49
Ostiraletik igandera egin dute 2024ko Literaturia Zarautzen.

The literature began in 2009 in Larrabetzu (Bizkaia) with the objective of making the Basque literature visible. Since 2015 it has been organised in Zarautz.

On Friday night, writer Mari Luz Esteban started the festival. In the Model room he read the manifesto for Literature. Iraia Elias, Amancay Gaztañaga and Erika Olaizola followed him. To the (B) fair they prepared for the festival! They offered the play.

Saturday began with the traditional book fair. Throughout the day several publishers had positions in the Old Laws Square and in the morning they paid tribute to the Booktegi website. The organizers pay homage each year to a group, person or project that works for the Basque literature. The translators were then placed around the table and their trade was discussed Bego Montorio, Julen Gabiria and Miel Anjel Elustondo. In the afternoon, those who wanted to enjoy the next premiere moved to the Modelo room. The Inuksuit show, created by Patxi Zubizarreta, brought together the following creators: Patxi Zubizarreta, Maddi Oihenart, Antton Valverde, Mintxo Cemillan and Malen Fernández de Larrhinoa.

Nights in Galbahe. We are not enough to forget everything, on the basis of the poetry book just published by Gotzon Barandiaran. On the deck were the following: Gotzon Barandiaran, Rafa Rueda, Urdin Baraiazarra, Uxue Garcia, Mariana Blanco, Amaia Garcia and Lander Bilbao.

On Sunday the Literature of 2024 ended, in the hand of "You liked your previous book more". Presented by Gorka Arrese, Harkaitz Cano and Maite Larburu.

Itziar Iruretagoiena is one of the organizers of Literature that has made us the evaluation of the weekend. They are very pleased with their welcome. It indicates that people have approached the organized events and that they have received positive feedback from the shows. The most massive events (B)egian, Inuksuit de Patxi Zubizarreta and Galbahe of the night. We're not going to be shows alive enough to forget everything. Also to the book fair, throughout Saturday the readers approached to see and buy books, as well as to listen to book presentations.

Tribute to the Booktegi website. Aritz Branton picked up the prize. Photo: Literature.
Offering the theater play '(B)egian'. Photo: Literature.
Presbizia has helped us in the presentation of the book of poetry. Photo: Literature.
Show 'Inuksuit'. Photo: Literature.


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