According to the review by the Ikusgela team, "some of the articles are already particularly long, but in format they are not suitable, require a summary or an addition of references. To reinforce it, adding and reusing references will give more points than usual."
As usual in Wikipedia competitions, you have to have a Wikilari account to edit the Wikipedia and, login with it, register here. The composition or creation of articles, the contribution of images and references gives points (in the articles of the selected areas, not those of Polynesia). Within 15 days, on 30 September, the award for the most rated:
The proposed articles for improvement are as follows:
Here are more information and links to all articles that can be improved.
Surely we all give strength to Basque culture!
Wikipediaren kalitate eta interes orokorra bermatzeko (edo kalibratzeko) tresna bat Wikimedia Fundazioak proposatutako Hamar Mila (10.000) artikulu funtsezkoen zerrenda da. Jakintzaren hainbat alorretan "funtsezko" artikuluak zerrendatu dituzte (ikusi azalpena galegoz,... [+]