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The editorial Liberoamérica launches a call to promote the works of young Basque writers

  • Leire Alonso Allué, Iosune de Goñi and Ane García, project promoters, intend to publish an "innovative" literature in Basque.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

14 January 2021 - 09:06

The editorial Liberoamérica, with the objective of promoting and disseminating the creations of young Basque writers, intends to open a new call du.Euskaraz with original and unpublished literary works. Persons under 30 years of age may participate as authors in the desired gender, theme and literary style. As explained, in any case, the promoters of the literary project, Leire Alonso Allué, Iosune de Goñi and Ane García, intend to publish an "innovative literature". "Priority will be given to works that break with traditional literature: collections of poems, short narratives, poetry, diaries, intertexts, hybrid works, experimental literature..."

The selected works will be published in the editorial Liberoamérica and the copyright will be paid to the author in the form habitual.Las bases to participate in the call have been collected on the website of the editorial Liberoamérica.

The editorial Liberoamérica published in 2020 the anthology "Those Reflected in the Ice", which brings together the texts of 24 young Basque writers. In September last year, Euskalerria Irratia spoke to writer Leire Alonso (listen here to the interview).

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