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Alain Iriart wants to stand for the presidency of the Commonwealth of Iparralde

  • As regards the establishment of the Commonwealth of Iparralde, the vote will take place on 17 July. At the moment, in addition to the mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart, no other candidate for re-election has been nominated. Jean René Etxegarai has been the president of this public structure since the constitution of 2017 and after the second round of popular votes will determine whether or not it will be presented to the elections.

26 June 2020 - 08:50

Alain Iriarte has stated that he has "much desire and almost determined", but he will give it in the days to be decided definitively. That is, after the second round of the municipal elections to be held on 28 June. On 17 July the presidential elections of the 158 municipalities of Baja Navarra, Zuberoa and Lapurdi will be held. Alain Iriart, one of the mayors of the capital of Navarre, has announced that it will probably be presented for competition.

At the moment, there is no other candidate for the list head on the list. Since the creation of the institution, starting in 2017, the president, Jean René Etxegarai, has not yet specified whether it will be presented or not. It will make it public after the second round of local voting on 28 June.

Harshly criticizing Etxegarai

Faced with the current President of the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde, Iriarte has thrown harsh criticism in an interview with Euskal Irratiak: the organization, the services and the methods, everything is to change. He regrets that Etxegarai has been held in his hands: "He has abandoned closeness" and added that "power is exercised by the president alone". On the contrary, Alain Iriarte stressed that "proximity" and "collective" work are "essential" to achieve this goal.


In the interview, Iriarte pointed out that "in recent weeks" the return of the elect is taking place. In addition, the mayor of the Biscayan capital added that "in his political family" is also intending to discuss the candidacy: He wants to "decide collectively" because "at stake is the future of Ipar Euskal Herria" and it is "a serious matter".

Once the local elections have been completed, the fight for the presidency of the Single Community in Iparralde will take place from next week’s political day. It is precisely because on 17 July the electorate will vote for its new president.

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Etxegarai again presided over the Single Commonwealth of Iparralde, with 63.8% of the votes
He shall remain president of the Commonwealth of Iparralde for the next six years. In a single candidature, the Abertzale Alain Iriart has won sixteen votes, two the Mayor of Angelu, Claude Olive, and one the Mayor of Gotaine-Irabarne, Bernard Lougarot. In white, 65 voters... [+]

EH Bai decides to bet on Etxegarai, achieving a "quick representation" in governance
As for the presidency for the Commonwealth of Iparralde, a minority has been in favour of the candidature of the mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart, at the extraordinary congress held at Uztaritze on 9 July. The EH Bai coalition has just sent a communiqué in which it determines... [+]

2020-07-02 | ARGIA
A group of left abertzales asks to "avoid" the confrontation between Etxegarai and Iriarte
Twenty Basque and left-wing militants have sent the letter to Mediabask. Knowing the Manomanist for the Commonwealth of Iparralde and the risk of a very divisive campaign between Etxegarai and Iriarte, they say: “We don’t think they can serve the good of Euskal Herria.”

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