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"The Basque Country represents 1% of the movies offered in cinemas in Euskal Herria"

  • Mitxel Elortza Exea has been the Alavés representative of the shielding. He considers that the initiative has been a success for citizen participation, but much remains to be done to ensure that the challenge of seeing only audiovisual media in Basque for a week is met on a daily basis. It requires bolder institutional policies. From 11 to 18 November, the Shielding was held, in which 350 people participated.

18 November 2022 - 06:48
Last updated: 09:43
Argazkia: Zaldi Ero
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

How has the Shielding gone?

It has been a success. We have moved a lot in the networks to share experiences with other participants and the first few days have been trending topic. On Monday we were in the background with the news of the Hand of Irulegi, but at least for an important issue, and he has also thrown the bellows into the Shielding.

Have you had any difficulty keeping the challenge for a week?

Yes, there are big gaps. Especially for adults, the series are less likely than films, and less and less likely by gender. There are no fictional series, for example.

Apantallamiento Euskaraz made available a guide with proposals for a week. The Zer Ikusi platform is also of great help, as it can be explored in the catalog of contents in Basque and facilitates the search through filters such as where to see or what kind of gender.

There are opportunities, more than we think. However, a much broader offer is needed to make the challenge of a week a day to day. It is the responsibility of the institutions. There is no more to look at Eitb: much more resources are allocated to the second channel, both in films, series, information or electoral debates that will begin shortly.

In Basque there are a few and very good: Altsasu two years ago, Mihiluze this year… But more can be done. If there is to be a chain in Spanish, the priorities must be reformulated.

What measures can the institutions take?

Firstly, to promote and subsidize their productions and be in Basque. On the other hand, provide means to fold foreign films and series, or at least subtitle them. It is true that perhaps we should start seeing audiovisual content in its original version with the help of subtitles. But to do so, we must also extend the offer.

The Basque Government can sign agreements with streaming platforms to set quotas, for example. It seems that it wants to launch a new streaming platform with content exclusively in Basque. But until we get there, we can't stand still.

They've also protested in theaters, right?

We're getting drip results on the platforms, but in cinemas, the situation is even more regrettable. Only 1% of the supply is in Basque. Last Sunday we met in the cinemas of Bilbao, Donostialdea, Comarca of Pamplona and Vitoria to protest. In our case, we approach the film Yelmo Boulevard, which offers no content in Basque. Complaints were filed and a complaint was sent directly to the company via the Internet. The multinational responds that it will seek a solution. I don't know what they're going to do really, but we've been optimistic that we've responded in a good tone. Institutions also have to do on this issue: more and more production in Basque, easier will be for cinemas to offer.

However, the multinationals already know what we can expect. Collaboration with local cinemas is easier. In Vitoria-Gasteiz there are cinemas like Florida and Gorbeia, which offer just how little is in Basque.

On Sunday, they protested in theaters to ask for films to be offered in Basque. /Photography: Mitxel Elortza

Do you have new recommendations?

Throughout this week I have been on my social networks and in the middle of Alea making known the interesting audiovisual found. Some have been very enriching: I really liked the children's movie "My Father's Dragon". Several documentaries: “Nor den nor” by Hamaika Telebista or “Making Women 2.0” with Basque subtitles in Argia.

On the other hand, the challenge of the Shielding was to consume but also create in Basque. This week I have hung a story every day on my Youtube channel, I have tried to address very diverse issues and offer more resources to families. Because when I've been a father, I've realized the problem we have with screens, that there are so limited resources and that when the child asks, he wants to see and listen in Basque.

In addition, last year I translated over a dozen Disney songs that you can see on the channel itself.

Will you participate in the Basque phase?

Yes, of course. These exercises help us realize that we can all do a little more to live in Basque. However, I would like to make it clear that the main concern is that of the institutions, and that they cannot be satisfied with Euskaraldia or Korrika, there is much work to be done in linguistic normalisation and bolder policies.

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