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A number of Euskera-related blogs disappear following a server fire in Strasbourg

  •, a project over 15 years old, has disappeared forever. In Strasbourg, the servers of the largest company offered by the European network server have been set on fire and backups have also been quemado.Entre lost websites are Euskargazki, Filoblogia and Lingua Navarrorum. We talked about it with Ekaitz Santazilia, author of the photography blog Euskargazki.
Patrick Herzog – Getty

23 March 2021 - 11:28 the entire data center where it was destroyed. Inside the portal were also several blogs of Euskal Herria, which lost the information. It is a project of over 15 years and it has not been possible to recover with backups. The company Elurnet carried the portal and assured that it will not be possible to proceed with the project. Among the lost websites are Euskargazki, Filoblogia and Lingua Navarrorum.

Several days after the fire, Ekaitz Santazilia was warned that the portal had been completely destroyed and that all the information provided had been cancelled. Santazilia said this: “What was there has been lost forever.” In the case of the blog Euskargazki has had the opportunity to recover a lot of information: “I’ve been saved everything I’ve had until February 2021, except for a few photos.” All server backups have been destroyed, but most of the information has been recovered via the Archieve Internet platform. If you want to start the blog again, you should start from the beginning, creating another blog. It has recovered all the information it has retrieved in html format. Santazilia has reported that many other bloggers have not been able to retrieve information.


In 2006, Ekaitz Santazilia created the blog Euskargazki, a blog about the photographs of the Basque literature. Santazilia studied Basque Philology and at that time it occurred to him to visit the places where he could learn in depth what he had learned, and at that moment the Euskargazki project was launched. Santazilia spoke of his blog in an interview by Miel Anjel Elustondo in ARGIA.

In ARGIA we announced the fire at the hand of Axier López. "This is the largest company in Europe offering a server service on the network and the third in the world. Two of the four buildings in which the 29,000 servers of the company OVH have been stored in Strasbourg have been burned down. The first conclusion was found on the same day: millions of off-the-shelf websites, especially in France and Italy. These include companies and political agents from the Basque Country. Some companies claim that it will not be possible to recover some of the data destroyed in the fire. This helps us to reflect on where the information is located in the electronic devices that we have fully inserted in our daily lives and, in short, on what information has been produced. Data cannot be 'stored in the cloud'. Because there are no clouds, there are only computers from other people who do business with their data."

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