The project was developed jointly by the Salda Dago working group and the Emagin Association and the publication was made in bilingual, Basque and Spanish. According to the news in its digital edition, the aim of the book is to ensure the transmission of the collective memory and to continue moving forward. The piece has been fed by several sources: experiences of militants, minutes of debate and conclusions. Verónica Mendiberri, a member of Emagine, said that the pandemic situation has only complicated the process. According to Mendiberri, this is a work of nudity.
They have done their work through collective funding. Collection has been carried out via the Itsulapikoa platform (Gipuzkoa). They have stressed that work has been a process and that new feminist experiences must continue to be sought.
According to Anboto, the media of the region of Durangaldea, in the V Feria de Durango. During the Feminist Conference some 3,000 women approached. 350 groups from the Basque Country also shared talks and reflections. The book Salda Dago, for its part, summarizes that moment, but the book does not end, as they have stressed that in future they will have to write new chapters.
Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feministak deituta elkarretaratzea egin dute Hernanin Iratxe Sorzabali elkartasuna adierazi eta "babes osoa" emateko. Inkomunikatuta egon zen uneak berriz ere epailearen aurrean kontatu behar izatea, "bizi izandakoak utzitako ondorioen... [+]
On March 8, the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country announced a strike in favor of the public care system for the fall, as care cannot remain business. Now, through the streets, through the neighborhoods, through the villages, you have to articulate the movement of that... [+]
Hogei urte beteko ditu aurten Bilgune Feministak, eta urtemugaren ospakizunari merezi duen tokia egin diote urteko eginbeharren zerrendan. 20 urtez paradisuak erretzen... Eztandak dardara gaitzala lelopean, datozen hilabeteetan hainbat herritan ospakizun ekimenak egiteko asmoa... [+]