Several museums in Euskal Herria have begun to allow visits adapted to the new normalcy. According to forecasts, more will be opened from Monday to Wednesday.
Museum management teams have warned that visits should be carried out in compliance with the strict safety measures imposed. These measures include observing body temperature, maintaining exposure on certain routes, respecting the distance of two meters and using masks. In addition, there will be vigilantes in each room to ensure that the measures are implemented.
In the West you can visit the Guggenheim, the Museum of Fine Arts and the exhibitions of the Alhóndiga. The Gernika Peace Museum will also be opened.
In the north are the crypt of Saint-Eugenie in Biarritz, the Arnaga house in Kanbo, the Basque Museum of Baiona and the castle of Antton of Abbey.
Only Tabakalera, in Donostia-San Sebastián, is available in the East area. However, from Tuesday the San Telmo Museum of the capital and the Balenciaga Museum of Getaria, the Basque Maritime Museum, the Caserío Igartubeiti and the Zumalakarrangi Museum will gradually recover the activity.
From Tuesday onwards, the Alavese museums will make the same gesture as those of Artium, BiBat, Museum of Fine Arts and the Museum Taller de Santxotena, among others.
In the Foral Community of Navarre, from Tuesday you will be able to visit the Museum of Navarre, the Museum of Carlism and the Oteiza Museum.
Two years ago Urdaibai Guggenheim Stop! Since the creation of the popular platform, Urdaibai is not for sale! We hear the chorus everywhere. On 19 October we met thousands of people in Gernika to reject this project and, in my opinion, there are three main reasons for opposing... [+]
With this article, the BDS movement wants to make a public boycott of the event to be held on 24 September at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In it, they will have the presence of the renowned Zionist artist, Noa, who will present his last record work.
When, in the context of the... [+]
Mende batean, Baionako Euskal Museoak izan duen bilakaeraz erakusketa berezia sortu dute. Argazki, tindu edo objektuak ikusgai dira. 1924an William Boissel Bordaleko militarrak bultzatu zuen museoaren sorrera, "euskal herri tradizionalaren" ondarea babesteko... [+]