The Feminist Movement of the Basque Country called for mobilizations in the capitals on Thursday, November 25, a day against violence against women. In particular, in Baiona the demonstration will be at 18:00 hours from Plaza Moracin; in Bilbao at 19:30 from the Sacred Heart; in Donostia-San Sebastián
The demonstration will begin at 19:30 a.m. on the Boulevard, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, at 19:00 a.m. in the Iparralde Civic Centre and in Pamplona at 20:00 p.m. from Baluarte.
Along with these calls, the movement has also made public the motto and the joint reading of them. Lives without machista violence now! It will be the great cry and they will go to the street "for the free lives and without multiple violence that we suffer every day for the mere fact of being women". They have recalled that this year five women have been officially murdered in the Basque Country, and that the violence suffered by women during the last year has been "brutal": "There are also hundreds and hundreds that are produced in the Basque Country for the aggression against the LGTBIQ+ group, the discourse of hatred and discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity. How long? they've wondered.
In this sense, they have demanded institutions and social agents to work so that women can live without male violence, "because it is our right", and they have asked them to make commitments beyond the institutional expressions "disguised": "We are not going to accept real and effective measures, nor empty equality policies without a budget, nor the precariousness of public services," he added.
Faced with the passivity of some, the feminist movement has also shown its firm intention to act and has opted for self-defense and "collective empowerment": "We've had enough of fear.
Bi erizainetatik batek lanean eraso sexistak jasaten dituela azalerazi du Erizainen Ordenak joan den urte bukaeran egin ikerketak. 21.000 erizainek ihardetsi dute, sektore pribatu, publiko eta liberaletik. Hauetan 2.500 gizonak dira.
Today, the voices of women and children remain within a culture that delegitimizes their voices, silencing their experiences, within a system aimed at minimizing or ignoring their basic rights and needs. A media example of this problem is the case of Juana Rivas, but her story... [+]