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Euskal Herria Cross Word Championship returns

  • Ten years later, they have reorganised the Euskal Herria Cross Word Championship in Irun, taking advantage of the fact that the Korrika will leave there. It will be held on 2 March and, despite the contagious competition, its main objective is to bring time lovers together in a companion atmosphere. Joxan Elosegi, a teacher in the language game, already has the tests ready.

01 February 2024 - 15:28
Last updated: 19:01
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Eight Cross-Word Championships have been held in Irun, where nearly forty people from all over the Basque Country have met. At Denbora apás, Luma magazine has organized them until it decided not to make more editions. Now, a decade later, the Basque group of Irun Aitzondo has taken the witness and announced the ninth edition of the tournament. “It’s a nice shop window for Irun and in Aitzondo we have considered an excuse to resume the championship,” said ARGIA Beñat Muguruza, member of Aitzondo. In the coming years they want to continue the championship.

"The knowledge of the Basque Country and the crosswords that Joxan Elosegi has is very scarce to invent playful and misleading definitions and definitions of this level, which gives favor to the championship"

The Basque group is collaborating with AEK, the organizer of the Korrika, and they want the involvement of the City of Irun. As in previous editions, the games have been prepared by Joxan Elosegi, Iraqi creator of the seasons. “Joxan Elosegi, one of the great masters of crosswords, is in Irun, and for Aitzondo it is a luxury to work with the guarantee it offers,” Muguruzak- explains. The tests are already prepared and high-level, as very few people have that knowledge of the Basque Country and of the crosswords to invent playful and naughty definitions and false definitions of this level, which gives favor to the championship”.

Test, txapela and food

As already mentioned, “in a cheerful and peaceful environment”, the championship aims to offer the fans of the Basque word the possibility of meeting and meeting. Participants over 14 years of age may participate for EUR 5 registered in or on the phone 685783470 before 29 February. Let those who are encouraged know that they will be able to use the dictionary, but not electronic dictionaries, phones or computers. At 10:30 the initial test will be performed and by 12:30 the final in public.

Then the txapela will be placed and prizes will be distributed and a meal will be held for participants and friends for 20 euros.


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