In the seven municipalities of Hego Euskal Herria, a series of actions will be carried out to require the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Navarra to guarantee the fundamental rights of persons residing or temporarily staying in it.
The convening institutions want to denounce legislation on aliens, which they regard as the ultimate expression of institutional racism, because it prevents thousands of people from developing their vital projects and condemns them to irregularity.
The convening entities state that: “It is clear to us that if they do not provide the means to deal with this situation it is because they have no political will. When there is will and responsibility, the means are activated, as evidenced by the reception of the institutions to refugees of Ukrainian nationality,” they add.
These are the municipalities in which the initiatives will be developed: Bilbao, San Sebastian, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Pamplona, Barakaldo, Irún and Artea. Participants will perform different activities before sleeping on the street, such as bars with mats and cartons and micro-open for people who want to share the testimony. They will also denounce, in parallel actions, the lack of equal rights of persons to whom immigration law limits their ability to work in decent conditions.
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