Jewelers, illustrators, ceramists, tailors, cosmetics... The visitor will find works by many creators. The fair will be open on Saturday from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00 and on Sunday from 11:00 to 15:00.
Dinagu elkartea Nomadak Gaitun! launched a travelling fair two years ago, created with the aim of "dignifying the presence of the works of the different artisans", according to the project members. Starting in Azpeitia and passing through Gernika, Donostia, Llodio, Pamplona, Oñati, Sara, Tolosa and Durango, the next stop will be in Lazkao. On this occasion, Biziola, a cooperative born to transform consumption habits, has collaborated, which aims to "integrate Goierri citizenship, agents of the transforming social economy and other entities".
"In Lazkao it will be the best opportunity to make Christmas presents consciously," the organizers explain. The participants include Itzal, Zatika, Athora Manthara, Kiribil ceramics, naturalkiller, Ione Larrañaga, Torontile, Kuttun art, Harri Kosko, Laia Varela Jewels, Lavandula, Kaori, Amlu, Amesgile, Artisautza, Madastamalur.
Children have, and some adults have not lost the tendency to creation. Perhaps all of us who tend to immerse ourselves in creation will not do nice jobs, but I think the experience is similar: when you are there you can put aside many things to have a good life in this world:... [+]
Emakume sortzaileak biltzen dituen Dinagu kolektiboak azoka antolatu du martxoaren 12an, Aiaraldeko Faktorian (Laudio). Emakume sortzaileen lana bisibilizatzea eta sortzaileen beharretara egokitzen diren ekimenak sortzea helburu, “herriz herri sortzaileak batuko dituen... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.
Dinagu Emakume Sortzaileen Kolektiboa Donostiako Egia auzoan, Teila Fabrikan, izango da abenduaren 18an eta 19an. Kolektiboa emakume sortzaileen lanei ikusgaitasuna emateko sortu zen duela hiru urte.