Only 5% of the streets of Ipar Euskal Herria have a female name. That is why the Les Barco Association, in cooperation with the Single Community of Iparralde, has launched an initiative called "The Paths of Equality" to recall the names of the most important women who have been in the shadows for years. The aim of the initiative is to strike a balance in the name of the streets of the Basque capitals. This has been made known by the Kazeta media via Twitter.
The Les Barco initiative consists of three sections: on the one hand, an exhibition; on the other, a guide to cities; and, on the other, a documentary that will tell the different stages of the project.
The first names
The process of proposing street names will be coordinated by the women’s group of the LGTB Bask’Elles association. According to the newspaper, this group is expected to open an Internet survey so that all citizens can participate in the consultation. Then a group of historians and ethnologists will confirm the proposed names. And for people to make their choice, they'll collect information about the profile of women in a leaflet.
For the time being, the names of women who participated in a clandestine network during the Second World War have been proposed, such as Amelina Devant-Legall or Andree Niderbilh, among others.
Iruñeko Txantrea auzoko kale-izendegian frankismoan errepresaliatuak izan ziren hamar emakume gogoratuko dituzte. Ekitaldia egin zuten atzo eta auzoaren hegoaldean dagoen plaza bat oroimen gune ere izendatu zuten. "Garrantzitsua da historian gertatutakoa gogoratzea;... [+]
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Hernaniko udalak "Andre kalea" izena itzuliko dio ofizialki larunbatean herriko kaxkoko kale nagusietako bati. Etxetik aulkiak jaitsi eta elkarrekin kalean lan eta jolas egiten zuten haiei leku egingo die izendegiak.