The Gaztetxe de Zestoa (Gipuzkoa) is still in danger of Huste. Two young people will be tried on 24 January in Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa), in connection with the judicial proceedings against the Gaztetxe, for those who seek substantial compensation and fines. It will also be decided within this trial whether or not the space will be evicted and, where appropriate, when eviction will be ordered.
The Zestoa Youth Assembly restored last February the Elizondo building to become Gaztetxe. In fact, the building is owned by the Church and was denounced by the bishopric of Gipuzkoa. As a result, a member of the Gazte Asanblada was tried in April last year, but was acquitted.
Gazte Asanblada announced in May that the Church threatened him again: before the end of the month he told the young people to empty the Gaztetxe and if they did not do so, the judicial route would follow. That is what he has finally done and the procedure against the Gaztetxe continues.
The Zestoa Youth Assembly and the Community for the Defense of Workers Control Spaces have launched a campaign: In favor of the Gaztetxe of Zestoa, they have called in recent weeks to wager on the "Church of Trafficking and Money". Yesterday the success of the campaign was announced: In Gipuzkoa, 700 requests for apostasy have been gathered and the greatest collective bet in history is taking place in the Basque Country.
In order to demand the suspension of the proceedings against the Gaztetxe de Zestoa, today, 19, a concentration will be held in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa). Convened by the Young Assembly of Zestoa and the Defense Community of the Spaces of Labor Control, the protest will take place in the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, from 18:00 hours.
Next Wednesday, 24, the trial against the Gaztetxe will be held. A call for mobilisation will also be held on that day and will be announced shortly.
When the heteropatriarchal capitalist colonial system is questioned and fought, it attacks mercilessly. Using all the tools at your disposal to strengthen, strengthen and consolidate institutional power, media, justice, language, culture, violence...
In Switzerland, where every... [+]
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