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On the 34th anniversary of the Law of the Vascuence of Navarra, EHE calls for action against zoning

  • The Basque Association Herrian Euskaraz (EHE) has denounced that it has been 34 years since the Basque Parliament passed the Basque Law establishing linguistic zoning. The spokesmen of the Navarre Parliament have urged the House to amend this law which violates the language rights of Navarros.
Argazkia: EHE Argazkia: EHE

16 December 2020 - 11:25

The members of the EHE platform have concentrated on the door of the Parliament of Navarra on 15 December. They have called for the Basque language to be the official language throughout the country and for zoning to be completed.

They have denounced that 34 years have passed since the Basque law establishing linguistic zoning in the country was passed. According to EHE, this law violates the linguistic rights of Navarros, so they have concentrated on calling for the Historical Memory Act to be amended. In addition, they have called for the commitment of the Euskaltzales to move forward through street mobilizations to end zoning once and for all.

"It's been five years since the UPN Government was left behind. In these five years we have known the government of Uxue Barkos and that of María Chivite. Both have not made a significant structural leap in the recovery process of the Basque Country and in overcoming zoning. Governments that should have changed UPN policies have barely brought us changes in the situation of the Basque Country and in the language rights of the Basque Country," the platform explained in a statement.

According to EHE, with the Government of María Chivite "it seems almost impossible to make significant progress on the linguistic rights of Navarros in the next three years".

However, they have announced that they will not be stagnated and have invited the Navarros Vasco-speakers to recompose their illusion for structuring a broad and powerful dynamic for the Basque Government. "To do this, we Euskaltzales have to reopen the injustice of zoning people to people, association to partnership, area by area," added Lehendakari.

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