The Basque official has published in his networks a call for a national demonstration in Bayonne on April 6. There is no “real justice” for the Basques, which means defending the rights of the Basques.
For the EHEs, the aggressiveness of the courts towards the Basque language and the Basques is evident.The case against two members of the EHE has shown this: due to the act of disobedience committed at the Palace of Justice in Bayonne on International Basque Language Day last year, they will face trial on April 11.
Although the agent has highlighted these two issues, they affirm that there are many reasons to continue fighting for the Basque language and that "in the face of reactionary and reactionary attitudes" they adhere to the commitment expressed last time on December 7 by hundreds of people in Durango.
In this way, they spread the call to go out to the streets to face the aggression, to "unite to protect the rights of both the Basque and the Basques" and to proclaim that "those who oppress the Basque will have us in front of them".
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