Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"We want to challenge fighting and popular movements in Izarra"

  • We talked to domaikian Uxue Urzelai. He is a member of the Assembly and participates in the organization of the third edition of the Small Revolutions Camp. It will be held between 19 and 23 July in Izarra (Araba) and are intended to serve as a meeting point for the Basque popular movements.
Iraultza Txikien Akanpadaren hirugarren edizioaren aurkezpena / Argazkia: Iraultza Txikien Akanpada Iraultza Txikien Akanpadaren hirugarren edizioaren aurkezpena / Argazkia: Iraultza Txikien Akanpada
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What is the Small Revolutions Camp? What are the objectives?

It is a network of struggles and popular movements in the Basque Country. To this end, we will talk, reflect and discuss the issues that should be on the table. Subsequently, for insertion into different colectics and agents and their usefulness. It also serves to foster alliances and relationships between movements.

What are those issues that should be on the table?

We opened a questionnaire among the agents of the Basque Country to learn about the topics that interest them most. As we can observe in the program there are several: Police, environmentalism, feminism, anti-racism, lodiphobia, TAV, anti-capitalist...

What has been the journey to this day?

The initiative was created by Free Territory agent. The idea is to do it every two years, so the first edition is made in Zubieta (Gipuzkoa) in 2018, the second in Artea (Bizkaia) in 2021 and the third in Izarra (Araba).

Why in Izarra?

After doing so in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, we wanted to make this year’s edition in Álava. Furthermore, we believe that programmes should be decentralised from cities, while small towns and rural areas become more important. Therefore, we consulted and decided to do so with the popular movements of Vitoria and Álava. From 19 to 23 July we have organized talks, round tables, workshops, events, concerts, meals, etc.

Who do you want to invite?

It is an open space in which anyone with will can participate, both the members of the popular movement and the individuals. In this route the time to sign up is open and can be done in Meals must be paid, the rest being free.

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