At the end of the 19th century, the European industrial powers took advantage of their technological and economic advantages to cope with the first major crisis of capitalism. Dependence was established between metropolis and colonies, among other things, to give way to Europe’s stocks and to acquire a raw material and cheap labour force. That was the beginning of imperialism, colonialism in the era of capitalism, driven by the economic needs of industrial economic development. This is explained in the classical definitions of Hobson and Lenin. This is the background, although this definition has been reviewed by subsequent authors.
This economic dependence between the metropolis and the colonies has led, among other reasons, to the underdevelopment of Third World countries and the economic and political hegemony of Western countries. In addition, despite the fact that the colonies have achieved formal independence after the Second World War, economic relations with the metropolises have remained subordinate. This is called neocolonialism.
And Euskal Herria? To the extent that it is dependent on France and Spain, it is part of the major imperialist alliances (NATO and the European Union), the companies here plunder the countries of the Third World and the welfare of their inhabitants is, in part, a consequence of the looting of these countries. I can admit that the Basque Country is not an imperialist country, because it does not have its own imperial project. But we have to recognize that, as part of the developed capitalist countries of the West, their companies and their economic structure play an imperialist role at the international level.
The situation of dependence of the metropolis and colonies and the economic and political relations of the Basque Country with the two oppressive states are difficult to compare. Spain is not economically ruined to the South. Moreover, it is one of the hotbeds of Spanish capitalism, and in addition, it has a broad fiscal autonomy! Another thing is, in my humble opinion, internal colonialism was theorized by Robert Lafont (Occitania) and Xose Manuel Beiras (Galicia). Perhaps this model could better describe the situation of Iparralde.
But all this does not mean that Euskal Herria is not an oppressed nation. We Basques are denied nationality and the right to self-determination. We are also experiencing a process of acculturation and assimilation, as the Basque Country and the Basque culture are in grave danger. Consequently, we can say that Euskal Herria is not a colony, but a nation oppressed and assimilated in the imperialist center. At least, I think so.
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