Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Basque network Herria Bizirik was born and after denouncing the "farce of the green transition" called the national demonstration in April

  • "Different movements and popular platforms of Euskal Herria that work in the defense of the territory have united our forces, knowledge and actions to face the imposition of a large number of macroprojects that destroy nature and the rural environment". With these words, the Basque network Herria Bizirik was announced in Vitoria on Thursday. The network consists of fourteen groups and other members who have joined as individuals. "The fight against all these mega-projects is essential and urgent," they have called for and called for mobilisation and initiatives. These include the national demonstration in Azpeitia on 13 April.

18 January 2024 - 12:00
Last updated: 2024-01-19 09:27:59
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

He denounced the "farce of the green transition" in the presentation of EH Bizirike in Vitoria-Gasteiz and the shared objective of this united network in defense of the Earth: "To defend the natural environment, the decentralized energy transition and community management, to guarantee a living and functional rural space, as well as to commit to a society characterized by the universality of the use of natural resources, cooperation, the preservation of the commons and the decentralization of decision-making spaces without exceeding the bio-physical limits of the planet".

It has subsequently announced mobilisations and initiatives between February and May. Major, national demonstration of 13 April in Azpeitia. On the same day there will be a meeting between groups and people working in the defence of the land.

The wind industry meets at the conference "Wind Europe" to be held on 20 March at the BEC of Barakaldo and EH Bizirike has called a rally and a protest march at its doors.

On 26 May he has called a national mountain march to Mount Kolitza from Balmaseda.

Among the initiatives is the travelling exhibition "Hamaika": Eleven Basque illustrators have participated in this artistic exhibition that claims the recovery of the territory and has received testimonies from families and neighbours affected by wind macro-projects. The exhibition, promoted by the group Cinco Villas Haizeak Bizirik, will be exhibited in various localities of Euskal Herria and the premiere will take place in Bera from 23 February to 3 March.

On the other hand, it announced that EH Bizirik will organise a complaint initiative to respond to the Energy Transition and Climate Change Act that the government plans to adopt in February. In his opinion, "the government wants to use this law to defend the interests of corporate corporations and give new impetus to energy macro-projects."

The information map EH Bizirik is also working to denounce the macro-projects that attack the land in the Basque Country.

Photo: Bi By two.

The reading they have published in full here:

"We have paid special attention to the protection, defense and conservation of the natural and social ecosystems that have lasted in the Basque Country until today. The destruction of terrestrial and marine habitats and air pollution are the result of a model based on excessive consumption and ongoing growth. The result is to seriously jeopardize the ecological conditions essential to life on our planet.

The main rule of this economic model is to generate maximum economic performance without considering environmental or social components. This economic model not only implies an overexploitation of resources, but also a corporate elite concentrates and controls the resources necessary for the maintenance of life (water, forest resources, wind force, sun, farmland, seeds..), converting these resources into commodities, conditioning their availability for the majority of the population and, worse, making privileged the natural right of people to obtain rational survival resources.

"They want to create confusion and fool us about the change society has long demanded"

In this sense, they intend to continue to impose the only form of action that the economic forces understand to deal with the eco-social crisis that this system generates. And with the false excuse of the energy transition, society is trying to create confusion and fool about the change it has long demanded. It's called "green transition," but green -- it's just the color of money that you want to bolster with your speculative games. That is why we denounce this farce because its sole intention is to save and reorganize the business model of the elites in the face of the evident depletion of fossil fuels, seeking the new market frameworks and the new sacrificial territories essential to continue feeding the machinery of the developmentalist model.

These transnational companies, in the hands of international investment funds, point to the slaughter areas necessary to maintain their business model (communal lands, crops, coastal areas, marine environment, aquifers, cities, neighborhoods, towns...), disregarding the eco-social reality of these areas. In the meantime, traditional governments act in an accomplice manner, distorting and avoiding environmental protection and land use laws to facilitate passage to these corporations, so that their actions are legally supported. As an example of this behavior we can cite the urgent processing of the Tapia Law and its similar in Navarra. In this procedure, the legitimate decisions taken by local authorities (councils, municipalities and other public institutions...) are revoked and annulled by authoritarian and centralizing procedures. In this regard, we fear that the Energy Transition and Climate Change Act, which the government plans to adopt immediately, will be used equally to further strengthen this model.

We denounce the farce of the Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energy because it seeks to establish legally the areas that companies have previously pointed out in order to plunder the territory. As if this were not enough, these companies receive subsidies through the European Next Generation funds, creating an unacceptable debt that mortgages future generations. Nor can we forget that the development of these plans leads to the capture of new slaughter territories, causing irreversible damage to the acquisition of huge quantities of materials that the macrorenovable model inevitably needs. The extraction of raw materials and the construction of these gigantic infrastructures depend not only on fossil fuels, but also on a new energy colonialism that leads to the forced displacement of the population.

These are, in short, the foundations of the false energy transition driven by the European Union, the governments of Spain and France, Navarre and the Basque Country, the institutions that monitor this economic model, where the lack of real policies to protect biodiversity is so obvious. And in the same direction are the agricultural policies that lead to the loss of fertility of agricultural soils and that make us sick, that prioritize the right to housing for tourists, the new lines of high-voltage towers that connect the large infrastructure works that cement our mountains (TAV) with the neuralgic centers of power, the underwater cables, the incinerators that pollute the environment, etc.

However, it is undeniable that the deterioration of natural ecosystems and the degradation of more balanced social structures are exponentially aggravating the consequences of climate change. Therefore, the commitment to the defense, conservation and survival of soil is fundamental to mitigate its effects. That is why we feel that the actions of the administrations, which, far from safeguarding the general interest of the citizens, try to win over the sympathies of these large companies and put all the public assets on sale, are perfectly worthy of condemnation.

Faced with this predatory model, in Euskal Herria Bizirik we share the objective of protecting the natural environment, decentralized energy transition and defense of community management, ensuring a living and functional rural space, as well as betting on a society characterized by the universality of the use of natural resources, cooperation, the preservation of the commons and the decentralization of decision-making spaces without exceeding the biological limits of the planet".


Photo: Bi By two.
They are part of the Basque network Herria Bizirik

Makatza Arratia, Non-Electric Interconnection, Non-Macrowind in Embodiments, Not in Oleta! Sañu Bizirik!, Andatza Ezkeltzu Bizirik, Mendietan Eolikoak EZ-Barakaldo, Aiaraldeko Mendia Bizirik, Araba Bizirik, Larramendiko arnasa, Arabako mendiko askatasuna, Karakate bizirik, Haizeak Bizirik And several members have come together as individuals.

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