In the course of 2021-2022, the Bertsozale Elkartea Association has offered the Bertsolarism project in 511 schools in the seven territories: 29,972 pupils have worked at the hand of 50 teachers of the Bertsozale Elkartea Association.
In the hands of several classes of the Bertsolaritza Ikastetxea programme, 288 Bertsolaritza festivals will be held to dismiss the school year, most of them in Gipuzkoa. The students will offer performances in the school itself, both locally and locally. On stage you will have the opportunity to offer a pre-cooked show and do it instantly.
In addition to the school festivals, at the end of the course, other special sessions are held in bertsolaris schools, to go up the stage and sing in front of the elderly. Eleven meetings are held between the bertsolaris schools, especially in Álava and Navarra.
Also through other initiatives, the young Bertsolaris have had the opportunity to go onstage throughout the course: for example, to the Plaza de Bizkaia! or through the initiatives of Haizea Dator in Lapurdi, Baxenabar and Zuberoa.
Nafarroako Bertsolari Txapelketa udazkenean jokatzeak Bertsoaroa zikloa egutegian mugitzea ekarri du. Hiriari egiten zaion bertsolaritza eskaintza orekatu nahi izan dute horrela antolatzaileek, Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkarteak eta Iruñeko Udalak. Otsailaren 10etik 24ra... [+]