Euskalmet has placed orange alert on Wednesday in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa for "very high extreme temperatures". from 12:00 to 21:00 hours, with maximum temperatures of 36 degrees on the coast, 40 degrees inside the Atlantic slope and 39 degrees in the region near the Ebro and Central Álava. In some areas it is noted that at some point in the afternoon it can reach 41-42 degrees. It has sharpened the warning for some areas, between 15:00 and 18:00, with a red alarm on the coasts of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, in the Ebro region, in the interior of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa and in the centre of Álava. The warning is similar for Thursday.
Navarra is also on orange alert, established by aemet. Furthermore, because of the drought, the Government of Navarra has warned of the fires, because there is an "extreme risk". They ask for care and ban barbecues and use pyrotechnics. The same for Iparralde: The prefetura of the Atlantic Pyrenees also alerts orange because maximum temperatures of 40-41 degrees are expected.
Zirkulazioan lehentasunek garrantzi handia dute. Gidatzeko ikasten dugun lehen gauzatakoak dira: biribilguneak eta STOPak menperatu ezean nekez lortuko dugu gidabaimena.
Hala ere, lehentasunak ez dira kontu neutroak, eta historiak eta interes kontrajarriek aldatu izan... [+]