Last Friday, 26 June, the citizen platform Zaldibar Argitu gave a press conference at the Kafe Antzokia of Elgeta to convene a national demonstration for next Saturday, 4 July, in Eibar. As they reported at the hearing, five months into the landfill collapse, Alberto Sololuze and Joaquín Beltrán are still missing and have not resigned.
In the words of the members of the platform, “we demand that from respect for families and citizens the political responsibilities, with the resignations and explanations that are necessary, be put on the table. Five months have passed and both family members and citizens still do not know where their friends and friends are. In addition, following the disastrous management of the Zaldibar landfill, no political office has resigned. We call for respect for families and citizens to put political responsibilities on the table, giving the necessary resignations and explanations. For the sake of democratic health, we cannot allow action if nothing has happened, it is time for all the irregular practices that have occurred in the case of landfill to be clarified accurately, we want and need them to take responsibility.”
Mr. Mayor:
Did you know that matter is not produced or destroyed, but transformed? For example, if we put a liter of water in a vessel and put it in the freezer for 24 hours, we'll get an ice block that if we heat it up, by going 100 degrees Celsius, it'll become steam. Thus, we... [+]
Ehunka lagun ibili dira iganean Ermuko plazatik Zaldibar auzoko Eitzagara, Verter Recycling zabortegia bertan behera erori zeneko bigarren urteurrenean.
Luiziaren ondorioz hildako Joaquin Beltran eta Alberto Sololuze oroitzeaz gain, Zaldibar Argitu plataformak otsailaren 6a baliatuko du Eusko Jaurlaritzari erantzukizunak bere gain har ditzan eskatzeko.
Zaldibarko zabortegia kudeatzen zuen Verter Reyclingeko arduradunek astelehen honetan deklaratu dute Durangon, auzia daraman epailearen aurrean. Haietako bik uko egin diote epailearen galderei erantzuteari eta hirugarren batek ezin izan du auzitegira joan, koronabirusarekin... [+]