On the anniversary of the end of the Elkano world tour, Wednesday will be proclaimed in Vitoria-Gasteiz "El País Vasco Decolonial". Sustraiak taldea called for a mobilization on September 6 at General Loma Square at 19:00 under the motto Gora Euskal Herria Dekolonial.
Last year it was 500 years since the getaria arrived at the port of Sanlucar de Barrameda, in Cádiz, Andalusia. Therefore, on 6 September it was declared a holiday in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. In view of this, dozens of people gathered at Plaza General Loma in the capital of Alavesa with the objective of "questioning the story that both the Basque Government and the Government of Spain were opening about this character".
Another year, the "historical domination of the global and white north" and the "domination and slavery" caused by it will be denounced. In the text published by Sustraiak he stressed that the discourse of our civilization aims to turn the conqueror into an adventurer and exploiter into an investor.
Debates of the European Parliament
Last year’s feast and the celebration of the centenary of the World Tour were a source of debate. The story sponsored and promoted by the institutions highlighted that leading this maritime expedition was a Basque, a symbol of the Basques at that time being the best and most adept at sea. Other popular movements and actors highlighted the expedition of Elcano as part of the colonial expansion of the then Spanish Empire, emphasizing the discourse in the colonial period.
Kanakyko Gobernuko kide gisa edo Parisekilako elkarrizketa-mahaiko kide gisa hitz egin zezakeen, baina argi utzi digu FLNKS Askatasun Nazionalerako Fronte Sozialista Kanakaren kanpo harremanen idazkari gisa mintzatuko zitzaigula. Hitz bakoitzak duelako bere pisua eta ondorena,... [+]
Urte bat beteko da laster Pazifikoko Kanaky herriko matxinada eta estatu-errepresiotik. Maiatzaren 14an gogortu zen giroa, kanaken bizian –baita deskolonizazio prozesuan ere– eraginen lukeen lege proiektu bat bozkatu zutelako Paristik. Hamar hilabete pasa direla,... [+]
Andeetako Altiplanoan, qocha deituriko aintzirak sortzen hasi dira inken antzinako teknikak erabilita, aldaketa klimatikoari eta sikateei aurre egiteko. Ura “erein eta uztatzea” esaten diote: ura lurrean infiltratzen da eta horrek bizia ekartzen dio inguruari. Peruko... [+]
I just saw a series from another sad detective. All the plots take place on a remote island in Scotland. You know how these fictions work: many dead, ordinary people but not so many, and the dark green landscape. This time it reminded me of a trip I made to the Scottish... [+]
In 2017, Indonesia and the Netherlands signed an agreement to return the heritage stolen by the European country because of colonialism for three centuries. The Indonesian responsible for the return process, Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, explained that this agreement "was important in... [+]
The Centre Tricontinental has described the historical resistance of the Congolese in the dossier The Congolese Fight for Their Own Wealth (the Congolese people struggle for their wealth) (July 2024, No. 77). During the colonialism, the panic among the peasants by the Force... [+]
New York, 1960. At a UN meeting, Nigeria’s Foreign Minister and UN ambassador Jaja Wachucu slept. Nigeria had just achieved independence on 1 October. Therefore, Wachuku became the first UN representative in Nigeria and had just taken office.
In contradiction to the... [+]
Washington (EE.UU. ), 1807. The US Constitution banned transatlantic slave trade. This does not mean that slavery has been abolished, but that the main source of the slaves has been interrupted. Thus, slave women became the only way to “produce” new slaves.
So in 1845, in... [+]