The AI has identified "Congress as a whole" as a precedent in the peace process. In this sense, they have pointed out that the lecture "Errainu" will be "the ray that illuminates" the direction of the Basque National School. For the new generations of workers, this paper aims to be "the light of hope in a dark and black future prepared by the bourgeoisie", a guarantee of a revolutionary socialist political line, as read in the publication Gedar: "On the way to feed the socialist process as a whole, they foresee that it is necessary to 'advance' in each of the oppressions the working class suffers. Likewise, within the theoretical and ideological framework of the Errainu report, the conflicts of gender and national oppression suffered within the Basque working class have been framed".
There is also a need to rethink the organisational model, especially considering "the obvious end of the previous political cycle". The political visions found so far "with obvious operational limits" have coincided that "the time has come for a new cycle".
On the other hand, at the closing ceremony of Congress, a positive evaluation has been made of the results of the recent struggles, among which have been mentioned the self-defense networks, the Public University, the acquisition of their own spaces and the University Force Unit.
- More information on the closing event of the AI congress and photo gallery on the Gedar website.
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