On 11 November they sent a letter to the elected officials of the Basque School of Urban Helmets, which they will create within the institution of invitation to join the political group. The chairman of Ipar Buru Batzar, Peio Etxeleku, has promoted the group they have announced nominally with Elgar for the people and has been signed by 35 other voters.
The College meeting on 20 March 2021 agreed on the possibility of setting up political groups of more than 20 voters within the institution. As explained in the letter, this is a ‘diverse group’ without political etiquette, and they hope to create it by the beginning of December, as the Berria newspaper states. Many of the names on the list of signatories are nationalist, but the promoters have explained that the group will be “independent of political parties” and that they will “defend a new governance”.
Of the 36 elected positions, the majority belong to small municipalities and, as they have anticipated, aim for a more “decentralized” structure of this institution in the Northern Basque Country: “We claim that the political and administrative organization of our College must respect our peoples and territories.” They have therefore joined together for “small peoples”, but they say they will focus on “the common interest and service of the entire territory”. They want to deal with the territorial imbalance of Iparralde.
In addition to what was promoted by Etxeleku, he is preparing to set up a new political group in the college, he said Kazeta.eus. The promoter is EH Bai, who would bind the Abertzales and leftist elect, but would not have the name EH Bai. They have not yet made any official request, but according to Kazeta.eus they already have a list of 20 selected.
Alexandre Bordes. Erango (Territory of Bidaxun).
Christine Erdozaintzi-Etxart. Arhantsusi (Iholdi Ozitbarre).
Christian Guillemin. Arrueta-Sarrikota (Amikuze).
Emmanuelle Dallet Basusarri (Errobi).
Michel Lahorgue. Basusarri (Errobi).
Pascal Neguelouart. Behorlegi (Garazi Baigorri).
Daniel Daraspe. Berrogaine-Larüntze (Zuberoa).
Guillaume Barucq. Biarritz (Basque Country).
Michel Etxeberri. Lekuine (territory of Hazparne).
Bruno Jauriberri. Duzunaritze (Garazi Baigorri).
Peio Etxeleku. Cambo (Errobi).
Gerard Bidegain. Garruze (Amikuze).
Philippe Masse. Haltsu (Errobi).
Anne-Marie Nadaud. Heleta (territory of Hazparne).
Jean-Louis Etxart. Ilharre (Amikuze).
Xavier Lacoste. Irisarri (Iholdi Ozitbarre).
Marc Labeguerie. Jatsu (Errobi).
Francis Dagorret. Labastida (Territory of Hazparne).
Patrick Etxegarai. Landibarre (Iholdi Ozitbarre).
Ximun Akozeberri. Larraine (Zuberoa).
Laurence Samanos. Larresoro (Errobi).
Jean Pierre Harriet. Luhuso (Errobi).
Alain Dubois. Makea (territory of Hazparne).
Herve Damestoi. Lekorne (Hazparne Territory).
Pascal Dantiacq. Orgrip (Amikuze).
Manuel De Lara. San Juan de Luz (Lapurdi sur).
Manuel Vaquero. San Juan de Luz (Lapurdi sur).
Regine Larranda. Donoztiri (Hazparn Territory).
Pierre Eiherabide. Donazaharre (Garazi Baigorri).
Larralde. Donaixti (Iholdi Ozitbarre).
Beñat Arrabit. Rosa (Garazi Baigorri).
Thierry Sansberro. Zuraide (Errobi).
Laurent Intxauspe. Donibane Garazi (Garazi Baigorri).
Michel Idiart Lasa (Garazi Baigorri).
Claire Dutaret-Bordagarai. Huarte de Garazi (Garazi Baigorri).
Marc Saint Esteven. Milafranga (Errobi-Aturri).
«Argizko idazkun digitalak debekatu» lelopean, Aturri aldeko Stop Pub kolektiboak bederatzi proposamen plazaratu ditu, Tokiko Publizitatearen Araudia eztabaidan delarik momentu honetan.
Lehen aldia izanen da Europako funtsak zuzenean kudeatzen ahalko dituela Euskal Hirigune Elkargoak, Akitania Berriko eskualdearen esku hartzerik gabe. 10,8 milioi euroko diru-funtsa izanen da, 2024 eta 2027 artean baliatu beharrekoa.
Botere eta diru laguntza gehiago galdegin dizkio Euskal Hirigune Elkargoak Frantziako Gobernuari, lekuko etxebizitza politika azkar bat abiatzeko. Horretarako, AOH Etxebizitza Antolatzeko Autoritatea bilakatu nahi luke.
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169 aldeko boz, 8 kontra eta 33 abstentzio. Euskal Hirigune Elkargoko osoko bilkurak, bizitegi turistikoen arautzea deliberatu du, konpentsazio sistema baten bidez.
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