The Basque Orchestra presented the 2024-2025 season. In it will be the new works and the known faces. In addition to the works of his usual repertoire, he has programmed works by Scriabin, Szymanowski and Schoenbergen. The spell will be brought by the composition Akelarre of Pascual Aldarver, in commemoration of the centenary of the birth of the artist. The composers of previous years will be joined by new composers such as the mondragonese Beatriz Arzamendi.
In the 24-25 season a total of 50 concerts will be offered in Vitoria, Bilbao, San Sebastian and Pamplona. Each city will host ten concerts, with the exception of San Sebastian, where there will be twenty concerts. The Orchestra incorporates eleven new works for the public into the repertoire. There are many artists who will perform works, seven directors, eight instrumental soloists and two choirs.
Once again, the Basque Orchestra has announced that “it will maintain its commitment to younger Basque musicians”. For this reason, the Orchestra of Students of the Basque Country (EIO), Musikene and the young people of the Young Orchestra of the Basque Country (EGO) will be integrated into the lines of the orchestra. The EGO will participate in the interpretation of the Ninth Symphony of Mahler, the students of Musikene will be closing in the interpretation of the Seventh Symphony of Mahler and the young people of EIO will share with the musicians of the Orchestra of Euskadi.
The new season maintains the price of fertilizers for ten concerts, which will cost between 80 and 235 euros. From 1 September the price of the loose tickets ranges from 10 to 40 euros and can be purchased for children under 30 years of age and in the 30 minutes before the start of the concert for 10 euros. They will also open voluntary support contributions to the Basque Orchestra.
Things aren’t easy in fact, and it will be for one reason or another, but lately I’ve bitten my tongue more than I should for these two things: the culture of the sold out and the FOMO – the latter perhaps has to be explained, because it’s not said so many times: the... [+]
La Furia
Baga Biga, 2024
Cascanteko La Furia-k bosgarren diskoa plazara atera du. Mimoz eta erraietatik, berarentzat funtsezkoak diren osagai horiekin, prestatu du honako pozima, pozoitsua eta aldi berean... [+]
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
On September 20 of last year, we first heard about collective music in the profile of the social network they had just created:... [+]
Opera 'Tristan und Isolde'
Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. Directed by: Assisted by Erik Nielsen.
The Bilbao Opera Choir. Directed by: Assisted by Boris Dujin.
The stage director: To the Allex Eagle.
The soloists: I'm talking about R. Assisted by Nicholls, G. By Hughes Jones, M. The... [+]
Party and recreation. Oral History of Rock Radical Vasco
Javier 'Jerry' Corral
Books, 2025
Javier Corral ‘Jerry’ was a student of the first Journalism Promotion of the UPV, along with many other well-known names who have... [+]
WHEN: January 18th.
IN WHICH: Jimmy Jazz of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
I have a question in my mind lately: how much do things change in 30 years? Yes, reader, you guessed it: I’ve just turned three decades old. It will be a... [+]
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.
Olaia Inziarte
Panda, 2024
Fourteen songs written during the Depression. Olaia Inziarte presented it in the first late night in Basque that can’t be mentioned now. The bru-ta-la piece Sawdust opens the disc. A jazz... [+]