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Europe Summit and China Revenge

Nemesis baporea (ezkerrean) Txinako junkoak txikitzen. Edward Duncan. (Irudia: Wikimedia)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Industrial Revolution was one of the key moments in human history, as was the Neolithic Revolution, which definitely changed our destiny. This process, in the mid-eighteenth century, liberated the economic and social forces that had been chained up until then. For example, despite the low growth of the world ' s population for centuries and centuries, the last 200 years have increased to eight times.

The causes of this revolution have been one of the most important issues in historiography. It appeared that at that time the scientific-technical development of China, Japan and the Islamic world was similar to that of Europe. So why did the Industrial Revolution occur in Europe? And above all, why in England? Classical Eurocentric explanations have indicated that the process was conditioned by cultural and political reasons. For example, they focus on European free organisations against Asian despotic regimes or on the work ethics of Protestant Christians. Factors such as entrepreneurship, individual freedom and the strengthening of private property. On the contrary, critical authors such as Marks have highlighted other factors such as the predominance of the British Empire in the Atlantic maritime trade or the ability to buy cheap cotton in the American colonies through a slave labor force. And also a simple chance. Deforestation caused a shortage of wood in Britain. It was therefore replaced by an easily accessible coal in underground mines. Coal has more caloric power than wood, so they were better at starting the machines or working iron.

The fact is that, as a result, Europe gained advantages and economic dominance. In the following years, the Western powers took over the world. That is, capitalism germinated modern imperialism. In the 19th century the Chinese Empire did not want to sign any harmful trade agreement with the European powers. This attitude triggered the Opium wars. Britain sent the Nemesis steam to China, a modern iron boat with state-of-the-art guns. This industrial technology crushed the Chinese wooden boats, known as Juno, and the imperialists easily won the war. This forced China to sign a humiliating treaty that forced it to open its seaports and facilitate trade for Europeans. Since then, the economic situation in China has become dependent and semi-colonial.

But in recent years things have changed. Since World War II, the Chinese economy has undergone enormous development. Consequently, it has overcome the ditch that opened up in the era of imperialism and is being imposed on the West, if it has no longer adopted it. We could say that, to some extent, the parenthesis that the Industrial Revolution created in the world is lagging behind.

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