Firstly, the Spanish State will have to repay 100,000 of the EUR 140 billion it will receive if the appropriations are added to the corresponding part of the transfer programme – the French State will receive EUR 40 billion, but in this case they will be direct aid. Secondly, these funds will only be granted if the reduction policies established by the European Union, in particular in the field of labour, social and fiscal matters, are complied with. That is where the labour, tax and pension reforms are.
"Spain has stood before Brussels in tax, labour and pension reforms," we were told recently in the Spanish media. That will have to be seen. How far will it withstand the pressure of the EU’s neo-liberal and capitalist policy? It was very doubtful.
That is why the leftist parties, including the nationalists, have a great responsibility, and Basque Country to the capital, Planto! listen and apply what members of the group say: "The neoliberal logic of plans that have to do with European funds must be put into duda.Afrontaremos this logic. (…) Entering the debate on the fate of the funds, beyond the essence of the funds, is a trap, and we will not fall into it.”
It is clear that only a small part of the funds will be earmarked for dealing with the consequences of the health, economic and social crisis. Let us be clear, as the ELA syndicate says, "they are actually designed to finance large transnational projects, such as Petronor, Repsol and Iberdrola." That's the new green capitalism.
Abrupt closure of the grant window for energy-saving construction works in homes. Imagine the anger of those left in the queue. Architects, builders, community managers, neighbours… The call for proposals was in force until November, but recently the Basque Government... [+]
Nicola Scherer (Munich, 1984) Kataluniako Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (Zorraren Behatokia Globalizazioan) erakundeko ikertzailea eta Open Generation EU taldeko kidea da eta Kapitalari Planto! plataformak ekainean aurkeztu zuen Europako berreskuratze-funtsak:... [+]
This is what the most ambitious programme of public debt has been in the plans, which will distribute equal shares of grants and loans worth EUR 750,000 million over the next 7 years. Alongside the revival of Europe, it aims to promote a greener economy (energy transition) and... [+]
The longer we spend, the more clearly we have that the management of COVID-19 responds to interests that go beyond health management. Strategically, it is a question of strengthening the interests of the agri-food and motor multinationals, the companies that carry out large... [+]