Following a half-hour meeting with European ambassadors, European Council President Donald Trump said the EU has accepted Boris Johnson’s request a week ago: "The European Union agrees that the postponement requested by the United Kingdom until 31 January 2020 [a new word of original anglerfish between flexion, flexibility and extension] will soon be ratified in writing."
The EU27 has agreed that it will accept the UK's request for a #Brexit flextension until 31 January 2020. The decision is expected to be formalised through a written procedure.
— Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) October 28, 2019
This third extension has been discussed this weekend by the leaders of the major powers of the European Union, including Emmanuel Macron himself, who has been critical of Johnson. Now we will have to see if this new diligence can be put in writing before the end of Tuesday, as the European leaders want in their work schedule so that Brexit does not cause further confusion.
Europako Batasuna 1993an sortu zenetik kide berriak gehitu dira bata bestearen atzetik. Joan den ostiralera arte 28 estatuk osatu dute makro-egitura politiko eta ekonomiko hori. Izan ere, urtarrilaren 31 historiara pasako da, EBk izan duen lehen zatiketaren eguna izan delako... [+]
Otsailaren lehenean bereizi dira Erresuma Batua eta Europar Batasuna.