A number of MEPs have proposed that the European Union should assume reparations for slavery and prevent the permanent impact of colonialism, as the Guardian media has reported. They present a project in the European Parliament to correct the “permanent injustices of the years”. MEPs underline that the EU has not taken the necessary measures to deal with the consequences and call for a permanent forum for restorative justice.
The need to discuss the consequences of slavery and colonialism has been put at the centre. Furthermore, they claim that many of the former European colonies still suffer the social, economic and environmental consequences that this entails.
The paper presented links climate justice with observations and notes that colonizing nations have had a greater impact on climate change: “They have had more impact on greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, climate crisis and environmental degradation.” However, they stress that developing countries are the hardest hit. They call on the European Commission to publish a report to recognise the consequences of European colonialism.
On the other hand, they note that European colonialism has had “a notable influence” on the relationship between developed and developing countries. MEPs have stressed that the EU should lead redress processes, including climate justice, as developing countries are most affected by climate and environmental crises.
MEP Pierrette Herzberger — Fofana will present the draft to the European Parliament's development committee for an emergency resolution. Moreover, it points out that there is a need to understand European racism more “in depth” and to review textbooks so that education on the slave trade and colonialism is more accurate.
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